STP1650-EB Roofing Research and Standards Development: 10th Volume
STP1649-EB Bearing and Transmission Steels Technology
STP1645-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 20th International Symposium
STP1644-EB Progress in Additive Manufacturing 2021
STP1642-EB Obtaining Data for Fire Growth Models
STP1640-EB Masonry 2022: Advancing Masonry Technology
STP1637-EB Progress in Additive Manufacturing 2020
STP1636-EB Standards Development for Cement and Concrete for Use in Additive Construction
STP1635-EB Building Science and the Physics of Building Enclosure Performance: 2nd Volume
STP1634-EB Standard Guides and Practices that Support the Lubricant Condition Monitoring Industry
STP1633-EB Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives: 7th Volume
STP1631-EB Structural Integrity of Additive Manufactured Materials and Parts
STP1630-EB Antimicrobial Combination Devices
STP1629-EB Performance, Properties, and Resiliency of Thermal Insulations
STP1628-EB Dimension Stone Use in the Built Environment
STP1626-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: 15th Volume
STP1625-EB Safety in Ice Hockey: 6th Volume
STP1622-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 19th International Symposium
STP1621-EB Roofing Research and Standards Development: 9th Volume
STP1620-EB Structural Integrity of Additive Manufactured Parts
STP1618-EB Detection Limits in Air Quality and Environmental Measurements
STP1617-EB Building Science and the Physics of Building Enclosure Performance
STP1616-EB Fourth Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture of Metallic Medical Materials and Devices
STP1615-EB Whole Building Air Leakage: Testing and Building Performance Impacts
STP1614-EB Homeland Security and Public Safety: Research, Applications and Standards
STP1613-EB Advances in Cement Analysis and Concrete Petrography
STP1608-EB Reactor Dosimetry: 16th International Symposium
STP1607-EB 100 Years of E04 Development of Metallographic Standards
STP1606-EB Beyond the Implant: Retrieval Analysis Methods for Implant Surveillance
STP1605-EB Railroad Ballast Testing and Properties
STP1604-EB Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives: 6th Volume
STP1603-EB International Review of Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Programs
STP1601-EB Concrete Pipe and Box Culverts
STP1598-EB Fatigue and Fracture Test Planning, Test Data Acquisitions and Analysis
STP1597-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 18th International Symposium
STP1596-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: 14th Volume
STP1594-EB Autonomous Industrial Vehicles: From the Laboratory to the Factory Floor
STP1591-EB Modularity and Tapers in Total Joint Replacement Devices
STP1590-EB Roofing Research and Standards Development: 8th Volume
STP1588-EB Advances in Gypsum Technologies and Building Systems
STP1586-EB Ideas to Impact: How Building Economic Standards Keep You on Track
STP1585-EB Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS): Performance, Progress and Innovation
STP1583-EB Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives: 5th Volume
STP1582-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: 20th Volume
STP1576-EB Small Specimen Test Techniques: 6th Volume
STP1575-EB Environmentally Considerate Lubricants
STP1574-EB Next-Generation Thermal Insulation Challenges and Opportunities
STP1573-EB Fire Resistant Fluids
STP1572-EB Effects of Radiation on Nuclear Materials: 26th Volume
STP1571-EB Application of Automation Technology in Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Analysis
STP1570-EB Continuous Soil Gas Measurements: Worst Case Risk Parameters
STP1568-EB Mechanical Properties of Frozen Soil
STP1566-EB Geopolymer Binder Systems
STP1565-EB Silica and Associated Respirable Mineral Particles
STP1563-EB Tribo-Corrosion: Research, Testing, and Applications
STP1562-EB Current and Future Practices for the Testing of Multi-Component Geosynthetic Clay Liners
STP1561-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: 13th Volume
STP1560-EB Metal-On-Metal Total Hip Replacement Devices
STP1557-EB Lime: Building on the 100-Year Legacy of The ASTM Committee C07
STP1555-EB Pavement Performance: Current Trends, Advances, and Challenges
STP1554-EB Contaminated Sediments: 5th Volume, Restoration of Aquatic Environment
STP1553-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: 19th Volume
STP1552-EB Mechanism of Concussion in Sports
STP1550-EB Reactor Dosimetry: 14th International Symposium
STP1547-EB Effects of Radiation on Nuclear Materials: 25th Volume
STP1546-EB Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 38th Volume
STP1545-EB Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives: 4th Volume
STP1544-EB Performance of Protective Clothing and Equipment: Emerging Issues and Technologies
STP1543-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 17th Volume
STP1542-EB Rolling Element Bearings
STP1540-EB Testing and Specification of Recycled Materials for Sustainable Geotechnical Construction
STP1539-EB Creep-Fatigue Interactions: Test Methods and Models
STP1538-EB Roofing Research and Standards Development: 7th Volume
STP1536-EB In-Service Lubricant and Machine Analysis, Diagnostics, and Prognostics
STP1535-EB Static and Dynamic Spinal Implants: Are We Evaluating Them Appropriately?
STP1534-EB Film and Nucleate Boiling Processes
STP1533-EB Surface and Dermal Sampling
STP1532-EB 18th International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering
STP1529-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 16th International Symposium
STP1528-EB Plastic Pipe and Fittings: Past, Present, and Future
STP1527-EB Pesticide Formulations and Delivery Systems, 30th Volume: Regulations and Innovation
STP1526-EB Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 37th Volume
STP1525-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety, 18th Volume
STP1524-EB Bearing Steel Technology, 8th Volume: Developments in Rolling Bearing Steels and Testing
STP1523-EB Quenching and Cooling, Residual Stress and Distortion Control
STP1521-EB Testing and Use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants
STP1520-EB 29th Symposium on Pesticide Formulations and Delivery Systems
STP1519-EB Heat-Air-Moisture Transport, 2nd Volume: Measurements and Implications in Buildings
STP1518-EB Contaminated Sediments: Sustainable Management and Remediation
STP1517-EB Advances in the State of the Art of Fire Testing
STP1516-EB Fifth International Symposium on Safety in Ice Hockey
STP1515-EB Fatigue and Fracture of Medical Metallic Materials and Devices: 2nd Volume
STP1514-EB Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives: 3rd Volume
STP1513-EB Effects of Radiation on Nuclear Materials and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: 24th Volume
STP1511-EB Recent Advancement in Concrete Freezing-Thawing (F-T) Durability
STP1510-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: 17th Volume
STP1506-EB Advances in Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion Monitoring and Measurement
STP1505-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 15th International Symposium
STP1504-EB Roofing Research and Standards Development: 6th Volume
STP1502-EB Small Specimen Test Techniques: 5th Volume
STP1501-EB Automotive Lubricant Testing and Advanced Additive Development
STP1499-EB Dimension Stone Use in Building Construction
STP1498-EB Condensation in Exterior Building Wall Systems
STP1495-EB Heat-Air-Moisture Transport: Measurements on Building Materials
STP1493-EB Repair, Retrofit and Inspection of Building Exterior Wall Systems
STP1492-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 23rd International Symposium
STP1491-EB Engine Coolant Technologies: 5th Volume
STP1490-EB Reactor Dosimetry: 12th International Symposium
STP1489-EB Oxidation and the Testing of Turbine Oils
STP1488-EB Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives: 2nd Volume
STP1484-EB Performance and Durability of the Window-Wall Interface
STP1482-EB Contaminated Sediments: Evaluation and Remediation Techniques
STP1481-EB Fatigue and Fracture of Medical Metallic Materials and Devices
STP1480-EB Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 35th Volume
STP1479-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Eleventh Volume
STP1476-EB Pendulum Impact Machines: Procedures and Specimens
STP1475-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 22nd Symposium
STP1474-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Sixteenth Volume
STP1473-EB Beryllium: Sampling and Analysis
STP1472-EB Wear of Articulating Surfaces: Understanding Joint Simulation
STP1471-EB Titanium, Niobium, Zirconium, and Tantalum for Medical and Surgical Applications
STP1468-EB Elemental Analysis of Fuels and Lubricants: Recent Advances and Future Prospects
STP1467-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Fourteenth International Symposium
STP1464-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Fifteenth Volume
STP1463-EB Advances in Adhesives, Adhesion Science, and Testing
STP1462-EB Performance of Protective Clothing: Global Needs and Emerging Markets: 8th Volume
STP1461-EB Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, 34th Volume
STP1459-EB Innovations in Controlled Low-Strength Material (Flowable Fill)
STP1456-EB Advances in Geosynthetic Clay Liner Technology: 2nd Symposium
STP1455-EB Joining and Repair of Composite Structures
STP1454-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: 10th Volume
STP1453-EB Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives
STP1452-EB Tissue Engineered Medical Products (TEMPs)
STP1451-EB Roofing Research and Standards Development: 5th Volume
STP1450-EB Probabilistic Aspects of Life Prediction
STP1449-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: 23rd Volume
STP1448-EB Technology of Floor Maintenance and Current Trends
STP1447-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 21st International Symposium
STP1446-EB Safety in Ice Hockey: Fourth Volume
STP1444-EB Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection
STP1443-EB Multiple Stressor Effects in Relation to Declining Amphibian Populations
STP1440-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Fourteenth Volume
STP1439-EB Fatigue Testing and Analysis Under Variable Amplitude Loading Conditions
STP1438-EB Stainless Steels for Medical and Surgical Applications
STP1437-EB Resilient Modulus Testing for Pavement Components
STP1436-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design, Fourteenth Volume
STP1434-EB The Use of Glass in Buildings
STP1433-EB Constructing Smooth Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Pavements
STP1432-EB Masonry: Opportunities for the 21st Century
STP1431-EB Spinal Implants: Are We Evaluating Them Appropriately?
STP1428-EB Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials: 4th Volume
STP1427-EB Thermal Measurements: The Foundation of Fire Standards
STP1426-EB Insulation Materials: Testing and Applications: 4th Volume
STP1425-EB Fretting Fatigue: Advances in Basic Understanding and Applications
STP1424-EB Metrology of Pedestrian Locomotion and Slip Resistance
STP1423-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Thirteenth International Symposium
STP1422-EB Performance of Exterior Building Walls
STP1421-EB Outdoor Atmospheric Corrosion
STP1419-EB Bearing Steel Technology
STP1418-EB Small Specimen Test Techniques: Fourth Volume
STP1417-EB Fatigue & Fracture Mechanics: 33rd Volume
STP1416-EB Composite Materials: Testing, Design, and Acceptance Criteria
STP1415-EB Evaluation and Remediation of Low Permeability and Dual Porosity Environments
STP1413-EB Mechanical Properties of Structural Films
STP1412-EB Aggregate Contribution to Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Performance
STP1409-EB Fracture Resistance Testing of Monolithic and Composite Brittle Materials
STP1408-EB Isocyanates: Sampling, Analysis, and Health Effects
STP1407-EB Turbine Lubrication in the 21st Century
STP1406-EB Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 32nd Volume
STP1405-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 20th International Symposium
STP1402-EB Materials Characterization by Dynamic and Modulated Thermal Analytical Techniques
STP1400-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Twentieth Volume
STP1399-EB Marine Corrosion in Tropical Environments
STP1398-EB Reactor Dosimetry: Radiation Metrology and Assessment
STP1397-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Thirteenth Volume
STP1396-EB Synthetic Bioabsorbable Polymers for Implants
STP1395-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Ninth Volume
STP1394-EB Dimension Stone Cladding: Design, Construction, Evaluation, and Repair
STP1393-EB Air Quality and Comfort in Airliner Cabins
STP1391-EB Structural Integrity of Fasteners: Second Volume
STP1390-EB Testing and Performance of Geosynthetics in Subsurface Drainage
STP1389-EB Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 31st Volume
STP1388-EB Oil Flow Studies at Low Temperatures in Modern Engines
STP1387-EB Multiaxial Fatigue and Deformation: Testing and Prediction
STP1385-EB Durability 2000: Accelerated and Outdoor Weathering Testing
STP1384-EB Constructing and Controlling Compaction of Earth Fills
STP1383-EB Composite Structures: Theory and Practice
STP1382-EB Gate Dielectric Integrity: Material, Process, and Tool Qualification
STP1380-EB Pendulum Impact Testing: A Century of Progress
STP1379-EB Grips, Clamps, Clamping Techniques, and Strain Measurement for Testing of Geosynthetics
STP1378-EB Hot Mix Asphalt Construction: Certification and Accreditation Programs
STP1377-EB ASTM's Role in Performance-Based Fire Codes and Standards
STP1376-EB Electrical Insulating Materials: International Issues
STP1375-EB Nondestructive Testing of Pavements and Backcalculation of Moduli: Third Volume
STP1374-EB Geotechnics of High Water Content Materials
STP1372-EB Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design
STP1371-EB Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials: Third Volume
STP1370-EB Designing Cathodic Protection Systems for Marine Structures and Vehicles
STP1369-EB Limitations of Test Methods for Plastics
STP1368-EB Concrete Pipe for the New Millennium
STP1367-EB Fretting Fatigue: Current Technology and Practices
STP1366-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 19th International Symposium
STP1365-EB Cobalt-Base Alloys for Biomedical Applications
STP1362-EB Wear Processes in Manufacturing
STP1361-EB Advances in the Production and Use of Steel with Improved Internal Cleanliness
STP1360-EB Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 30th Volume
STP1359-EB Mixed-Mode Crack Behavior
STP1358-EB Field Instrumentation for Soil and Rock
STP1357-EB Time Dependent and Nonlinear Effects in Polymers and Composites
STP1356-EB Masonry: Materials, Testing, and Applications
STP1355-EB The Use of and Need for Preservation Standards in Architectural Conservation
STP1354-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Twelfth International Symposium
STP1353-EB Acoustic Emission: Standards and Technology Update
STP1352-EB Water Problems in Building Exterior Walls: Evaluation, Prevention, and Repair
STP1350-EB Nondestructive and Automated Testing for Soil and Rock Properties
STP1349-EB Roofing Research and Standards Development: Fourth Volume
STP1348-EB Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation and Maintenance
STP1347-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Eighteenth Volume
STP1346-EB Alternative Bearing Surfaces in Total Joint Replacement
STP1345-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Twelfth Volume
STP1343-EB Advances in Fatigue Crack Closure Measurement and Analysis: Second Volume
STP1342-EB Advances in Environmental Measurement Methods for Asbestos
STP1341-EB Safety in Ice Hockey: Third Volume
STP1340-EB Recombination Lifetime Measurements in Silicon
STP1339-EB Hydraulic Failure Analysis: Fluids, Components, and System Effects
STP1338-EB Superfund Risk Assessment in Soil Contamination Studies: Third Volume
STP1337-EB Effects of Product Quality and Design Criteria on Structural Integrity
STP1336-EB Very Large-Scale Fires
STP1335-EB Engine Coolant Testing: Fourth Volume
STP1333-EB Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Seventh Volume
STP1332-EB Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 29th Volume
STP1331-EB The Design and Application of Controlled Low-Strength Materials (Flowable Fill)
STP1330-EB Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture: 7th Volume
STP1329-EB Small Specimen Test Techniques
STP1328-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: 17th Volume
STP1327-EB Bearing Steels: Into the 21st Century
STP1326-EB Oxidative Behavior of Materials by Thermal Analytical Techniques
STP1325-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 18th International Symposium
STP1324-EB Site Characterization and Design of On-Site Septic Systems
STP1323-EB Nontraditional Methods of Sensing Stress, Strain, and Damage in Materials and Structures
STP1321-EB Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 28th Volume
STP1320-EB Insulation Materials: Testing and Applications, 3rd Volume
STP1319-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Eighth Volume
STP1318-EB Nontraditional Methods of Sensing Stress, Strain, and Damage in Materials and Structures
STP1317-EB Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Modeling and Risk Assessment Sixth Volume
STP1315-EB Applications of Continuum Damage Mechanics to Fatigue and Fracture
STP1314-EB Water Leakage Through Building Facades
STP1313-EB International Symposium on Safety in Baseball/Softball
STP1312-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: 16th Volume
STP1311-EB Computerization and Networking of Materials Databases: Fifth Volume
STP1310-EB Tribology of Hydraulic Pump Testing
STP1309-EB Thermal and Mechanical Test Methods and Behavior of Continuous-Fiber Ceramic Composites
STP1308-EB Testing and Acceptance Criteria for Geosynthetic Clay Liners
STP1307-EB Characterization and Properties of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
STP1305-EB Safety in American Football
STP1304-EB M3D III: Mechanics and Mechanisms of Material Damping
STP1302-EB High Temperature and Environmental Effects on Polymeric Composites: 2nd Volume
STP1301-EB Modularity of Orthopedic Implants
STP1300-EB Corrosion Testing in Natural Waters: Second Volume
STP1299-EB Quality Management of Hot Mix Asphalt
STP1298-EB Effects of the Environment on the Initiation of Crack Growth
STP1297-EB Elevated Temperature Effects on Fatigue and Fracture
STP1296-EB Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 27th Volume
STP1295-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Eleventh International Symposium
STP1294-EB Durability Testing of Nonmetallic Materials
STP1293-EB Dredging, Remediation, and Containment of Contaminated Sediments
STP1292-EB Advances in Fatigue Lifetime Predictive Techniques: 3rd Volume
STP1290-EB Fiber, Matrix, and Interface Properties
STP1289-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Eleventh Volume
STP1288-EB Subsurface Fluid-Flow (Ground-Water and Vadose Zone) Modeling
STP1287-EB Characterizing Sources of Indoor Air Pollution and Related Sink Effects
STP1285-EB Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture (Sixth Volume)
STP1284-EB Fire Resistance of Industrial Fluids
STP1283-EB Geostatistics for Environmental and Geotechnical Applications
STP1282-EB Sampling Environmental Media
STP1281-EB Recent Developments in Geotextile Filters and Prefabricated Drainage Geocomposites
STP1280-EB Multiaxial Fatigue and Deformation Testing Techniques
STP1279-EB Remote Sensing and GIS for Site Characterization: Applications and Standards
STP1278-EB Effect of Surface Coatings and Treatments on Wear
STP1277-EB Electrochemical Noise Measurement for Corrosion Applications
STP1276-EB Techniques to Assess the Corrosion Activity of Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures
STP1275-EB Testing Soil Mixed with Waste or Recycled Materials
STP1274-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design: Twelfth Volume
STP1273-EB Performance of Protective Clothing: Sixth Volume
STP1272-EB Medical Applications of Titanium and Its Alloys: The Material and Biological Issues
STP1270-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 17th International Symposium
STP1269-EB Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS): Materials, Properties, and Performance
STP1268-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: 15th Volume
STP1267-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Seventh Volume
STP1266-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Tenth Volume
STP1265-EB Engineering Properties of Asphalt Mixtures and the Relationship to their Performance
STP1264-EB Superfund Risk Assessment in Soil Contamination Studies: Second Volume
STP1263-EB Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials: Second Volume
STP1262-EB Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Fourth Volume
STP1261-EB Volatile Organic Compounds in the Environment
STP1260-EB Validation Practices for Biotechnology Products
STP1259-EB Steel Forgings: Second Volume
STP1258-EB Standards for Preservation and Rehabilitation
STP1257-EB Computerization and Networking of Materials Databases: Fourth Volume
STP1256-EB Fracture Mechanics: 26th Volume
STP1255-EB Airflow Performance of Building Envelopes, Components, and Systems
STP1253-EB Life Prediction Methodology for Titanium Matrix Composites
STP1252-EB The Use of Chemicals in Oil Spill Response
STP1251-EB Special Applications and Advanced Techniques for Crack Size Determination
STP1250-EB Case Studies for Fatigue Education
STP1249-EB Assignment of the Glass Transition
STP1248-EB Pendulum Impact Machines: Procedures and Specimens for Verification
STP1247-EB Effects of Mechanical Stiffness and Vibration on Wear
STP1246-EB Masonry: Esthetics, Engineering, and Economy
STP1245-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Tenth International Symposium
STP1244-EB Constraint Effects in Fracture Theory and Applicatons: Second Volume
STP1242-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design, Thirteenth Volume
STP1241-EB Physical Properties of Asphalt Cement Binders
STP1240-EB Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Wastes: 3rd Volume
STP1239-EB Atmospheric Corrosion
STP1238-EB Cyclic Cabinet Corrosion Testing
STP1237-EB Performance of Protective Clothing: Fifth Volume
STP1236-EB Structural Integrity of Fasteners
STP1235-EB Bioremediation of Pollutants in Soil and Water
STP1234-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Fourteenth Volume
STP1233-EB Fire and Flammability of Furnishings and Contents of Buildings
STP1232-EB Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Testing
STP1231-EB Automation in Fatigue and Fracture: Testing and Analysis
STP1230-EB Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture: Fifth Volume
STP1229-EB Head and Neck Injuries in Sports
STP1225-EB Vehicle-Road Interaction
STP1224-EB Roofing Research and Standards Development: 3rd Volume
STP1223-EB Standardizing and Harmonizing Terminology: Theory and Practice
STP1222-EB Buried Plastic Pipe Technology: 2nd Volume
STP1221-EB Analysis of Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Constituents
STP1220-EB Fracture Mechanics: 25th Volume
STP1219-EB Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Fate and Effects in Alaskan Waters
STP1218-EB Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Third Volume
STP1217-EB Clinical and Laboratory Performance of Bone Plates
STP1216-EB Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Second Volume
STP1215-EB Petrography of Cementitious Materials
STP1213-EB Dynamic Geotechnical Testing II
STP1212-EB Safety in Ice Hockey: Second Volume
STP1211-EB Advances in Fatigue Lifetime Predictive Techniques: Second Volume
STP1209-EB Quality and Statistics: Total Quality Management
STP1208-EB Automation of Mechanical Testing
STP1207-EB Fracture Mechanics: Twenty-Fourth Volume
STP1206-EB Eleventh Volume: Composite Materials—Testing and Design
STP1205-EB Modeling of Indoor Air Quality and Exposure
STP1203-EB Fractography of Modern Engineering Materials: Composites and Metals, Second Volume
STP1202-EB Accelerated and Outdoor Durability Testing of Organic Materials
STP1201-EB Life Prediction Methodologies and Data for Ceramic Materials
STP1199-EB Tribology: Wear Test Selection for Design and Application
STP1198-EB Nondestructive Testing of Pavements and Backcalculation of Moduli: Second Volume
STP1197-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Sixth Volume
STP1196-EB Characterization and Performance of Calcium Phosphate Coatings for Implants
STP1195-EB Creative Use of Bearing Steels
STP1194-EB Application of Accelerated Corrosion Tests to Service Life Prediction of Materials
STP1193-EB Use of Waste Materials in Hot-Mix Asphalt
STP1192-EB Engine Coolant Testing: Third Volume
STP1191-EB Advances in Multiaxial Fatigue
STP1190-EB Geosynthetic Soil Reinforcement Testing Procedures
STP1189-EB Fracture Mechanics: Twenty-Third Symposium
STP1188-EB Electrochemical Impedance: Analysis and Interpretation
STP1186-EB Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials
STP1185-EB Compression Response of Composite Structures
STP1183-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: 13th Volume
STP1182-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Ninth International Symposium
STP1180-EB Masonry: Design and Construction, Problems and Repair
STP1179-EB Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment
STP1177-EB Rock for Erosion Control
STP1176-EB Polymer-Modified Hydraulic-Cement Mixtures
STP1175-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 16th International Symposium
STP1174-EB High Temperature and Environmental Effects on Polymeric Composites
STP1173-EB Biomaterials' Mechanical Properties
STP1172-EB Chevron-Notch Fracture Test Experience: Metals and Non-Metals
STP1171-EB Constraint Effects in Fracture
STP1169-EB M3D: Mechanics and Mechanisms of Material Damping
STP1168-EB Science and Technology of Building Seals, Sealants, Glazing, and Waterproofing
STP1167-EB Wear Testing of Advanced Materials
STP1166-EB Standardizing Terminology for Better Communication: Practice, Applied Theory, and Results
STP1165-EB Metallography: Past, Present, and Future (75th Anniversary Volume)
STP1164-EB Vehicle, Tire, Pavement Interface
STP1163-EB Fire Standards in the International Marketplace
STP1162-EB Application of Agricultural Analysis in Environmental Studies
STP1161-EB Leak Detection for Underground Storage Tanks
STP1160-EB The Impact of U.S. Environmental Regulations on Fuel Quality
STP1159-EB Standardization of Fretting Fatigue Test Methods and Equipment
STP1158-EB Superfund Risk Assessment in Soil Contamination Studies
STP1157-EB Cyclic Deformation, Fracture, and Nondestructive Evaluation of Advanced Materials
STP1156-EB Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture, Fourth Volume
STP1154-EB Computer Modeling in Corrosion
STP1153-EB Fatigue of Electronic Materials
STP1152-EB Operating Room and Intensive Care Alarms and Information Transfer
STP1151-EB Nondestructive Testing Standards: Present and Future
STP1150-EB Fire Hazard and Fire Risk Assessment
STP1149-EB Small-Crack Test Methods
STP1148-EB Corrosion of Electronic and Magnetic Materials
STP1147-EB Effects of Aggregates and Mineral Fillers on Asphalt Mixture Performance
STP1146-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Twelfth Volume
STP1145-EB Wear and Friction of Elastomers
STP1143-EB Low Temperature Lubricant Rheology Measurement and Relevance to Engine Operation
STP1142-EB Hydraulic Conductivity and Waste Contaminant Transport in Soil
STP1141-EB Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1990
STP1140-EB Computerization and Networking of Materials Databases: Third Volume
STP1138-EB Aviation Fuel: Thermal Stability Requirements
STP1137-EB Corrosion Forms and Control for Infrastructure
STP1136-EB Materials Characterization by Thermomechanical Analysis
STP1135-EB Innovations and Uses for Lime
STP1134-EB New Methods for Corrosion Testing of Aluminum Alloys
STP1133-EB Performance of Protective Clothing: Fourth Volume
STP1132-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Ninth International Symposium
STP1131-EB Fracture Mechanics: Twenty-Second Symposium (Volume II)
STP1130-EB Rapid Load Fracture Testing
STP1129-EB Slurry Walls: Design, Construction, and Quality Control
STP1128-EB Damage Detection in Composite Materials
STP1127-EB Access Security Screening: Challenges and Solutions
STP1126-EB Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Mapping—Practices and Standards
STP1125-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 15th International Symposium
STP1124-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Fourteenth Volume
STP1123-EB Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Wastes: 2nd Volume
STP1122-EB Advances in Fatigue Lifetime Predictive Techniques
STP1121-EB Pavement Management Implementation
STP1120-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design (Tenth Volume)
STP1118-EB Current Practices in Ground Water and Vadose Zone Investigations
STP1117-EB Laser Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1989
STP1116-EB Insulation Materials: Testing and Applications, 2nd Volume
STP1115-EB Plants for Toxicity Assessment: Second Volume
STP1114-EB Elastic-Plastic Fracture Test Methods: The User's Experience (Second Volume)
STP1113-EB Food Packaging Technology
STP1112-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Eleventh Volume
STP1111-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Fifth Volume
STP1110-EB Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture (Third Volume)
STP1109-EB Modern Instrumental Methods of Elemental Analysis of Petroleum Products and Lubricants
STP1108-EB Polymer Modified Asphalt Binders
STP1107-EB Water in Exterior Building Walls: Problems and Solutions
STP1106-EB Computerization and Networking of Materials Databases: Second Volume
STP1105-EB Tribological Modeling for Mechanical Designers
STP1104-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Eighth International Symposium
STP1103-EB Slips, Stumbles, and Falls: Pedestrian Footwear and Surfaces
STP1102-EB Monitoring Water in the 1990's: Meeting New Challenges
STP1101-EB Geophysical Applications for Geotechnical Investigations
STP1100-EB Extending the Life of Bridges
STP1098-EB Service Life of Rehabilitated Buildings and Other Structures
STP1097-EB Statistical Sampling: Past, Present and Future Theoretical and Practical
STP1096-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Thirteenth Volume
STP1095-EB Physico-Chemical Aspects of Soil and Related Materials
STP1094-EB MiCon 90: Advances in Video Technology for Microstructural Control
STP1093-EB Buried Plastic Pipe Technology
STP1092-EB Applications of Automation Technology to Fatigue and Fracture Testing
STP1091-EB Plants for Toxicity Assessment
STP1090-EB Continuous Anesthesia Gas Monitoring
STP1089-EB Deep Foundation Improvements: Design, Construction, and Testing
STP1088-EB Roofing Research and Standards Development: 2nd Volume
STP1087-EB Geotechnical Engineering of Ocean Waste Disposal
STP1086-EB Corrosion in Natural Waters
STP1085-EB Quantitative Methods in Fractography
STP1084-EB Building Deck Waterproofing
STP1083-EB Liquid Particle Size Measurement Techniques: 2nd Volume
STP1082-EB Characterization and Toxicity of Smoke
STP1081-EB Geosynthetic Testing for Waste Containment Applications
STP1080-EB Thermal and Mechanical behavior of Metal Matrix and Ceramic Matrix Composites
STP1078-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: 10th Volume
STP1077-EB Acoustic Emission: Current Practice and Future Directions
STP1076-EB Geosynthetics: Microstructure and Performance
STP1075-EB Waste Testing and Quality Assurance: Third Volume
STP1074-EB Fracture Mechanics: Twenty-First Symposium
STP1073-EB Natural and Artificial Playing Fields: Characteristics and Safety Features
STP1072-EB Charpy Impact Test: Factors and Variables
STP1071-EB Biological Contaminants in Indoor Environments
STP1070-EB Geotechnics of Waste Fills—Theory and Practice
STP1069-EB Buildings Sealants: Materials, Properties, and Performance
STP1067-EB Air Change Rate and Airtightness in Buildings
STP1066-EB Laser Techniques in Luminescence Spectroscopy
STP1065-EB Corrosion Rates of Steel in Concrete
STP1064-EB Carbonate Additions to Cement
STP1063-EB Masonry: Components to Assemblages
STP1062-EB Waste Testing and Quality Assurance: Second Volume
STP1061-EB Petrography Applied to Concrete and Concrete Aggregates
STP1060-EB Surface-Crack Growth: Models, Experiments, and Structures
STP1059-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design (Ninth Volume)
STP1058-EB Fatigue and Fracture Testing of Weldments
STP1057-EB Accreditation Practices for Inspections, Tests, and Laboratories
STP1056-EB The Measurement and Correction of Electrolyte Resistance in Electrochemical Tests
STP1055-EB Vertebrate Pest Control and Management Materials: Sixth Volume
STP1054-EB Science and Technology of Glazing Systems
STP1053-EB Ground Water and Vadose Zone Monitoring
STP1052-EB Monitoring Methods for Toxics in the Atmosphere
STP1051-EB Bioprocessing Safety: Worker and Community Safety and Health Considerations
STP1050-EB Safety in Ice Hockey
STP1049-EB Environmentally Assisted Cracking: Science and Engineering
STP1048-EB Future Fuels for General Aviation
STP1047-EB Reduced Activation Materials for Fusion Reactors
STP1046-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 14th International Symposium (Volume I)
STP1045-EB Dynamic Elastic Modulus Measurements in Materials
STP1044-EB Advances in Thermoplastic Matrix Composite Materials
STP1043-EB Hazardous and Industrial Solid Waste Minimization Practices
STP1042-EB Residual and Unspecified Elements in Steel
STP1041-EB Asphalt Concrete Mix Design: Development of More Rational Approaches
STP1040-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Fourth Volume
STP1038-EB Laser Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1987
STP1037-EB Chemical Protective Clothing Performance in Chemical Emergency Response
STP1036-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: International Aspects 9th Volume
STP1035-EB Product Testing with Consumers for Research Guidance
STP1034-EB Exterior Wall Systems: Glass and Concrete Technology, Design, and Construction
STP1032-EB Metal Matrix Composites: Testing, Analysis, and Failure Modes
STP1031-EB Surface Characteristics of Roadways: International Research and Technologies
STP1030-EB Insulation Materials, Testing and Applications
STP1029-EB Performance of Buildings and Serviceability of Facilities
STP1028-EB Laser Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1986
STP1027-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: 12th Volume
STP1026-EB Nondestructive Testing of Pavements and Backcalculation of Moduli
STP1025-EB Factors That Affect the Precision of Mechanical Tests
STP1024-EB Susceptibility to Inhaled Pollutants
STP1023-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Eighth International Symposium
STP1022-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Seventh International Symposium
STP1021-EB Turbine Oil Monitoring
STP1020-EB Fracture Mechanics: Perspectives and Directions (Twentieth Symposium)
STP1019-EB Novel Techniques in Fossil Fuel Mass Spectrometry
STP1018-EB Oil Dispersants: New Ecological Approaches
STP1017-EB Computerization and Networking of Materials Data Bases
STP1015-EB Laser Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1985
STP1014-EB Vane Shear Strength Testing in Soils: Field and Laboratory Studies
STP1013-EB Effects of Soil Characteristics on Corrosion
STP1012-EB Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture, Second Volume
STP1010-EB Selection and Use of Wear Tests for Ceramics
STP1009-EB Progress in Analytical Luminescence
STP1008-EB Intramedullary Rods: Clinical Performance and Related Laboratory Testing
STP1007-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Environmental Fate: Eleventh Volume
STP1006-EB Development of Fatigue Loading Spectra
STP1005-EB Distillate Fuel: Contamination, Storage, and Handling
STP1004-EB Analytical and Experimental Methods for Residual Stress Effects in Fatigue
STP1003-EB Test Methods and Design Allowables for Fibrous Composites: 2nd Volume
STP1002-EB Design and Protocol for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality
STP1001-EB Reactor Dosimetry: Methods, Applications, and Standardization
STP1000-EB Corrosion Testing and Evaluation: Silver Anniversary Volume
STP999-EB Waste Testing and Quality Assurance
STP998-EB Electrical Insulating Oils
STP997-EB Compositional Analysis by Thermogravimetry
STP995V2-EB Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics: Volume II Elastic-Plastic Fracture
STP995V1-EB Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics: Volume I Time-Dependent Fracture
STP994-EB Current Trends in Protective Packaging of Computers and Electronic Components
STP993-EB Mechanical Relaxation of Residual Stresses
STP992-EB Masonry: Materials, Design, Construction, and Maintenance
STP991-EB Standardization of Technical Terminology: Principles and Practices (Second Volume)
STP990-EB Semiconductor Fabrication: Technology and Metrology
STP989-EB Performance of Protective Clothing: Second Symposium
STP988-EB Functional Testing of Aquatic Biota for Estimating Hazards of Chemicals
STP987-EB Effect of Steel Manufacturing Processes on the Quality of Bearing Steels
STP986-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Third Volume
STP985-EB Rapid Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement
STP984-EB Rock Classification Systems for Engineering Purposes
STP983-EB Mathematical Modeling of Fires
STP982-EB Mechanics of Fatigue Crack Closure
STP981-EB Adhesively Bonded Joints: Testing, Analysis, and Design
STP980-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Eighth Volume
STP977-EB Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil and Rock
STP975-EB Fluid Filtration: Gas Volume I
STP974-EB Vertebrate Pest Control and Management Materials: 5th Volume
STP973-EB Computerization and Data Management in the Metals Analysis Laboratory
STP972-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design (Eighth Conference)
STP971-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: 10th Volume
STP970-EB The Use of Synthetic Environments for Corrosion Testing
STP969-EB Fracture Mechanics: Nineteenth Symposium
STP968-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Seventh Volume
STP967-EB Geotechnical Applications of Remote Sensing and Remote Data Transmission
STP966-EB Deformation Mechanisms, Texture, and Anisotropy in Zirconium and Zircaloy
STP965-EB Degradation of Metals in the Atmosphere
STP964-EB Testing Technology of Metal Matrix Composites
STP963-EB Ground-Water Contamination: Field Methods
STP962-EB Hydrogen Embrittlement: Prevention and Control
STP961-EB Uniformity of Cement Strength
STP960-EB Emerging Semiconductor Technology
STP959-EB Roofing Research and Standards Development
STP958-EB Industrial Dust Explosions
STP957-EB Sampling and Calibration for Atmospheric Measurements
STP956-EB Influence of Radiation on Material Properties: 13th International Symposium (Part II)
STP955-EB Radiation-Induced Changes in Microstructure: 13th International Symposium (Part I)
STP954-EB Laser Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1984
STP952-EB Geotextile Testing and the Design Engineer
STP950-EB The Pressuremeter and its Marine Applications: Second International Symposium
STP949-EB The Design, Sample Handling, and Applications of Infrared Microscopes
STP948-EB Fractography of Modern Engineering Materials: Composites and Metals
STP947-EB Testing of Metallic and Inorganic Coatings
STP946-EB Slurry Erosion: Uses, Applications, and Test Methods
STP945-EB Fracture Mechanics: Eighteenth Symposium
STP944-EB Chemical Analysis of Metals
STP943-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Sixth Volume
STP941-EB Asphalt Rheology: Relationship to Mixture
STP940-EB New Approaches to Monitoring Aquatic Ecosystems
STP938-EB Skiing Trauma and Safety: Sixth International Symposium
STP937-EB Toughened Composites
STP936-EB Instrumented Impact Testing of Plastics and Composite Materials
STP935-EB Cleaning Stone and Masonry
STP934-EB Computerized Quantitative Infrared Analysis
STP933-EB Hazardous and Industrial Solid Waste Testing and Disposal: Sixth Volume
STP932-EB Hazard Communication: Issues and Implementation
STP931-EB Lime for Environmental Uses
STP930-EB Alkalies In Concrete
STP929-EB The Tire Pavement Interface
STP928-EB Impact of Acid Rain and Deposition on Aquatic Biological Systems
STP927-EB Fatigue in Mechanically Fastened Composite and Metallic Joints
STP924-EB Basic Questions in Fatigue: Volume I
STP923-EB Marine Geotechnology and Nearshore/Offshore Structures
STP922-EB Thermal Insulation: Materials and Systems
STP921-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Environmental Fate: Ninth Volume
STP920-EB Community Toxicity Testing
STP918-EB Case Histories Involving Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
STP917-EB Industrial Applications of Titanium and Zirconium: Fourth Volume
STP916-EB Aspects of Lubricant Oxidation
STP915-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Fifth Volume
STP914-EB Review and Evaluation of Appearance: Methods and Techniques
STP912-EB Current Technologies in Flexible Packaging
STP911-EB Laser Induced Damage In Optical Materials: 1983
STP910-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres Second Volume
STP907-EB Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture
STP905-EB Fracture Mechanics: Seventeenth Volume
STP904-EB Measured Air Leakage of Buildings
STP902-EB Mass Spectrometric Characterization of Shale Oils
STP901-EB Building Performance: Function, Preservation, and Rehabilitation
STP900-EB Performance of Protective Clothing
STP899-EB Evaluation and Prevention of Water Damage to Asphalt Pavement Materials
STP898-EB Vascular Graft Update: Safety and Performance
STP896-EB Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Technology
STP895-EB Applications of Radiation Thermometry
STP893-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design (Seventh Conference)
STP892-EB Consolidation of Soils: Testing and Evaluation
STP891-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: Eighth Symposium
STP890-EB Rapidly Solidified Powder Aluminum Alloys
STP889-EB Microindentation Techniques in Materials Science and Engineering
STP888-EB The Use of Small-Scale Specimens for Testing Irradiated Material
STP887-EB Engine Coolant Testing: Second Symposium
STP886-EB Hazardous and Industrial Solid Waste Testing: Fourth Symposium
STP885-EB Building Applications of Heat Flux Transducers
STP884-EB Measuring Road Roughness and Its Effects on User Cost and Comfort
STP883-EB Strength Testing of Marine Sediments: Laboratory and In-Situ Measurements
STP882-EB Fire Safety: Science and Engineering
STP881-EB Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation
STP880-EB Corrosion of Metals Under Thermal Insulation
STP879-EB Guarded Hot Plate and Heat Flow Meter Methodology
STP877-EB Automated Test Methods for Fracture and Fatigue Crack Growth
STP876-EB Delamination and Debonding of Materials
STP875-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Fourth Symposium
STP874-EB Hydraulic Barriers in Soil and Rock
STP873-EB High Modulus Fiber Composites in Ground Transportation and High Volume Applications
STP872-EB Inhalation Toxicology of Air Pollution: Clinical Research Considerations
STP871-EB Masonry: Research, Application, and Problems
STP870B-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: 12th International Symposium Volume II
STP870-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials: Twelfth International Symposium
STP869-EB Measurement of Rock Properties at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures
STP868-EB Fracture Mechanics: Sixteenth Symposium
STP867-EB Quality Assurance for Environmental Measurements
STP866-EB Laboratory Corrosion Tests and Standards
STP864-EB Recent Advances in Composites in the United States and Japan
STP863-EB Advances in Luminescence Spectroscopy
STP862-EB Automated Manufacturing
STP861-EB The Chemistry and Technology of Gypsum
STP860-EB Skiing Trauma And Safety: Fifth International Symposium
STP859-EB Corrosion and Degradation of Implant Materials: Second Symposium
STP858-EB Temperature Effects on Concrete
STP857-EB Fatigue at Low Temperatures
STP856-EB Elastic-Plastic Fracture Test Methods: The User's Experience
STP855-EB Chevron-Notched Specimens: Testing and Stress Analysis
STP854-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: Seventh Symposium
STP851-EB Hazardous and Industrial Waste Management and Testing: Third Symposium
STP850-EB Semiconductor Processing
STP849-EB Refractory Metals and Their Industrial Applications
STP848-EB Liquid Particle Size Measurement Techniques
STP846-EB Quality Assurance of Polymeric Materials and Products
STP845-EB Statistics in the Environmental Sciences
STP844-EB Methods for Assessing the Structural Reliability of Brittle Materials
STP843-EB Ecological Assessment of Macrophyton: Collection, USE, and Meaning of Data
STP842-EB Damage Tolerance of Metallic Structures: Analysis Methods and Applications
STP841-EB New Concepts for Coating Protection of Steel Structures
STP840-EB Oil Spill Chemical Dispersants - Research, Experience, amd Recommendations
STP839-EB Practical Applications of Quantitative Metallography
STP838-EB Purity Determinations by Thermal Methods
STP837-EB Manual of Protective Linings for Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems
STP836-EB Effects of Defects in Composite Materials
STP835-EB Laterally Loaded Deep Foundations: Analysis and Performance
STP834-EB Definitions for Asbestos and Other Health-Related Silicates
STP833-EB Fracture Mechanics: Fifteenth Symposium
STP832-EB Thesaurus on Resource Recovery Terminology
STP831-EB Sampling and Analysis of Copper Cathodes
STP830-EB Industrial Applications of Titanium and Zirconium: Third Conference
STP829-EB Placement and Compaction of Asphalt Mixtures
STP828-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Third Symposium
STP827-EB Fractography of Ceramic and Metal Failures
STP826-EB Fire Resistive Coatings: The Need for Standards
STP825-EB A Guide to the Safe Handling of Hazardous Materials Accidents
STP824-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry
STP823-EB Sampling and Analysis of Rain
STP822-EB New Directions in Molecular Luminescence
STP821-EB Environment-Sensitive Fracture: Evaluation and Comparison of Test Methods
STP820-EB Testing of Peats and Organic Soils
STP818-EB Corrosion of Metals in Association with Concrete
STP817-EB Vertebrate Pest Control and Management Materials: Fourth Symposium
STP816-EB Behavior of Polymeric Materials in Fire
STP815-EB Creep of Zirconium Alloys in Nuclear Reactors
STP814-EB Evaluation and Accreditation of Inspection and Test Activities
STP813-EB Long-Term Behavior of Composites
STP812-EB Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres
STP811-EB Fatigue Mechanisms: Advances in Quantitative Measurement of Physical Damage
STP810-EB Cell-Culture Test Methods
STP809-EB Stationary Gas Turbine Alternative Fuels
STP808-EB Compression Testing of Homogeneous Materials and Composites
STP807-EB Properties of Flexible Pavement Materials
STP806-EB Standardization of Technical Terminology: Principles and Practices
STP805-EB Hazardous and Industrial Solid Waste Testing: Second Symposium
STP803V1-EB Elastic-Plastic Fracture: Second Symposium, Volume I—Inelastic Crack Analysis
STP802-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: Sixth Symposium
STP801-EB Corrosion Fatigue: Mechanics, Metallurgy, Electrochemistry, and Engineering
STP800-EB Medical Devices: Measurements, Quality Assurance, and Standards
STP799-EB Laser Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1981
STP797-EB Composite Materials: Quality Assurance and Processing
STP796-EB Titanium Alloys in Surgical Implants
STP795-EB Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Second Conference
STP794-EB Through-Thickness Tension Testing of Steel
STP793-EB Frictional Interaction of Tire and Pavement
STP791V2-EB Fracture Mechanics: Fourteenth Symposium—Volume II: Testing and Applications
STP791-EB Fracture Mechanics: Fourteenth Symposium—Volume I: Theory and Analysis
STP790-EB Single-Ply Roofing Technology
STP789-EB Thermal Insulation, Materials, and Systems for Energy Conservation in the '80s
STP788-EB Processing and Testing of Reaction Injection Molding Urethanes
STP787-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design (6th Conference)
STP786-EB Toxic Materials in the Atmosphere: Sampling and Analysis
STP785-EB Guide to the Selection and Use of Electroplated and Related Finishes
STP784-EB Status of USA Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance for Radiation Effects
STP782-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials
STP781-EB Permanence of Organic Coatings
STP780-EB Materials Evaluation Under Fretting Conditions
STP779-EB Moisture Migration in Buildings
STP778-EB Masonry: Materials, Properties, and Performance
STP777-EB Geotechnical Properties, Behavior, and Performance of Calcareous Soils
STP776-EB Residual Stress Effects in Fatigue
STP774-EB Extending Aggregate Resources
STP773-EB Selected Sensory Methods: Problems and Approaches to Measuring Hedonics
STP772-EB Short Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials
STP771-EB Rolling Contact Fatigue Testing of Bearing Steels
STP770-EB Low-Cycle Fatigue and Life Prediction
STP769-EB Selection and Use of Wear Tests for Coatings
STP768-EB Composites for Extreme Environments
STP767-EB Atmospheric Corrosion of Metals
STP766-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment
STP765-EB Mechanical Testing for Deformation Model Development
STP764-EB Pesticide Tank Mix Applications: First Conference
STP763-EB Pavement Surface Characteristics and Materials
STP762-EB Fire Risk Assessment
STP761-EB Design of Fatigue and Fracture Resistant Structures
STP760-EB Hazardous Solid Waste Testing: First Conference
STP759-EB Laser Induced Damage In Optical Materials: 1980
STP757-EB Avian and Mammalian Wildlife Toxicology: Second Conference
STP756-EB Stainless Steel Castings
STP755-EB Application of 2¼Cr-1 Mo Steel for Thick-Wall Pressure Vessels
STP754-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry
STP753-EB Formability of Metallic Materials—2000 A.D.
STP752-EB Vertebrate Pest Control and Management Materials
STP751-EB Distillate Fuel Stability and Cleanliness
STP750-EB Acoustic Emissions in Geotechnical Engineering Practice
STP749-EB Joining of Composite Materials
STP748-EB Methods and Models for Predicting Fatigue Crack Growth Under Random Loading
STP747-EB New Analytical Techniques for Trace Constituents of Metallic and Metal-Bearing Ores
STP746-EB Permeability and Groundwater Contaminant Transport
STP745-EB Fracture Mechanics for Ceramics, Rocks, and Concrete
STP744-EB Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data
STP742-EB Power Plant Instrumentation for Measurement of High-Purity Water Quality
STP741-EB Underground Corrosion
STP740-EB Laboratory Shear Strength of Soil
STP739-EB Ferroalloys and Other Additives to Liquid Iron and Steel
STP738-EB Fatigue Crack Growth Measurement and Data Analysis
STP737-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment
STP736-EB Physical Testing of Plastics—Correlation with End-Use Performance
STP735-EB Water for Subsurface Injection
STP734-EB Test Methods and Design Allowables for Fibrous Composites
STP733-EB Fractography and Materials Science
STP732-EB Health Effects of Synthetic Silica Particulates
STP731-EB Tables for Estimating Median Fatigue Limits
STP730-EB Ecological Assessments of Effluent Impacts on Communities of Indigenous Aquatic Organisms
STP728-EB Industrial Applications of Titanium and Zirconium
STP727-EB Electrochemical Corrosion Testing
STP725-EB Effects of Radiation on Materials
STP724-EB Asphalt Pavement Construction: New Materials and Techniques
STP723-EB Fatigue of Fibrous Composite Materials
STP722-EB Eddy-Current Characterization of Materials and Structures
STP721-EB Sampling and Analysis of Toxic Organics in the Atmosphere
STP720-EB Analysis of Waters Associated with Alternative Fuel Production
STP719-EB Building Air Change Rate and Infiltration Measurements
STP718-EB Thermal Insulation Performance
STP717-EB Geothermal Scaling and Corrosion
STP716-EB Real-Time Radiologic Imaging: Medical and Industrial Applications
STP715-EB Aquatic Invertebrate Bioassays
STP714-EB Effect of Load Spectrum Variables on Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation
STP713-EB Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel In Concrete
STP712-EB Lifetime Factors in Silicon
STP711-EB Crack Arrest Methodology and Applications
STP710-EB Computer Automation of Materials Testing
STP709-EB Quality Assurance in Pavement Construction
STP708-EB Impediments to Analysis
STP706-EB Toughness of Ferritic Stainless Steels
STP705-EB Engine Coolant Testing: State of the Art
STP704-EB Commercial Opportunities for Advanced Composites
STP703-EB Disposal of Oil and Debris Resulting from a Spill Cleanup Operation
STP702-EB Full-Scale Load Testing of Structures
STP701-EB Wear Tests for Plastics: Selection and Use
STP699-EB Applied Surface Analysis
STP698-EB Effluent and Evironmental Radiation Surveillance
STP697-EB Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Pressurized Systems
STP696-EB Nondestructive Evaluation and Flaw Criticality for Composite Materials
STP695-EB Native Aquatic Bacteria: Enumeration, Activity, and Ecology
STP694-EB Tire Reinforcement and Tire Performance
STP693-EB Avian and Mammalian Wildlife Toxicology
STP691-EB Durability of Building Materials and Components
STP690-EB Methods and Measurements of Periphyton Communities: A Review
STP689-EB Laser Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1978
STP688-EB Factors in Using Kerosine Jet Fuel of Reduced Flash Point
STP687-EB Part-Through Crack Fatigue Life Prediction
STP686-EB Measurement of Organic Pollutants in Water and Wastewater
STP685-EB Design of Buildings for Fire Safety
STP684-EB Corrosion and Degradation of Implant Materials
STP683-EB Effects of Radiation on Structural Materials
STP682-EB ASTM Manual on Consumer Sensory Evaluation
STP681-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry
STP680-EB Vertebrate Pest Control and Management Materials
STP678-EB Fracture Mechanics Applied to Brittle Materials
STP676-EB Stress Relaxation Testing
STP673-EB Methodology for Biomass Determinations and Microbial Activities in Sediments
STP671-EB Service Fatigue Loads Monitoring, Simulation, and Analysis
STP670-EB Behavior of Deep Foundations
STP669-EB Engineering Dielectrics Volume I Corona Measurement and Interpretation
STP668-EB Elastic-Plastic Fracture
STP667-EB Aquatic Toxicology: Proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology
STP666-EB Optical Interferograms—Reduction and Interpretation
STP665-EB Stress Corrosion Cracking—The Slow Strain-Rate Technique
STP664-EB Erosion: Prevention and Useful Applications
STP663-EB Cement Standards—Evolution and Trends
STP662-EB Recycling of Bituminous Pavements
STP661-EB Field Description of Coal
STP660-EB Thermal Transmission Measurements of Insulation
STP659-EB Chemical Dispersants for the Control of Oil Spills
STP658-EB Advanced Composite Materials—Environmental Effects
STP657-EB Estimating the Hazard of Chemical Substances to Aquatic Life
STP656-EB Intergranual Corrosion of Stainless Alloys
STP654-EB Dynamic Geotechnical Testing
STP653-EB Air Quality Meteorology and Atmospheric Ozone
STP652-EB Biological Data in Water Pollution Assessment: Quantitative and Statistical Analyses
STP651-EB Toughness and Fracture Behavior of Titanium
STP649-EB Walkway Surfaces: Measurement of Slip Resistance
STP648-EB Fatigue Testing of Weldments
STP647-EB Formability Topics—Metallic Materials
STP646-EB Atmospheric Factors Affecting the Corrosion of Engineering Metals
STP645-EB Fractography in Failure Analysis
STP644-EB Rail Steels—Developments, Processing, and Use
STP643-EB Quantitive Surface Analysis of Materials
STP642-EB Corrosion-Fatigue Technology
STP641-EB Oil Field Subsurface Injection of Water
STP640-EB Adhesion Measurement of Thin Films, Thick Films, and Bulk Coatings
STP639-EB ASTM Manual on Zirconium and Hafnium
STP637-EB Cyclic Stress-Strain and Plastic Deformation Aspects of Fatigue Crack Growth
STP636-EB Fatigue of Filamentary Composite Materials
STP635-EB Bacterial Indicators/Health Hazards Associated with Water
STP634-EB Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Evaluation
STP633-EB Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry
STP632-EB Developments in Fracture Mechanics Test Methods Standardization
STP631-EB Flaw Growth and Fracture
STP630-EB Concrete Pipe and The Soil-Structure System
STP629-EB Chloride Corrosion of Steel in Concrete
STP627-EB Fast Fracture and Crack Arrest
STP626-EB Reproducibility and Accuracy of Mechanical Tests
STP625-EB Test Methods for Vertebrate Pest Control and Management Materials
STP624-EB Nondestructive Testing Standards—A Review
STP623-EB Dispersive Clays, Related Piping, and Erosion in Geotechnical Projects
STP621_S2-EB The Relationship Between Engine Oil Viscosity and Engine Performance—Part III
STP621-EB The Relationship Between Engine Oil Viscosity and Engine Performance
STP621_S4-EB The Relationship Between Engine Oil Viscosity and Engine Performance—Part V and Part VI
STP621_S1-EB The Relationship Between Engine Oil Viscosity and Engine Performance: Part II
STP621_S3-EB The Relationship Between Engine Oil Viscosity and Engine Performance—Part IV
STP620-EB Gaskets: A Symposium
STP619-EB Structure, Constitution, and General Characteristics of Wrought Ferritic Stainless Steels
STP618-EB Flameless Atomic Absorption Analysis: An Update
STP617-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design (Fourth Conference)
STP616-EB Quality Systems in the Nuclear Industry
STP615-EB Selection and Use of Wear Tests for Metals
STP614-EB Fire Standards and Safety
STP613-EB Use of Computers in the Fatigue Laboratory
STP612-EB Thermal Fatigue of Materials and Components
STP611-EB Irradiation Effects on The Microstructure and Properties of Metals
STP610-EB Stress Corrosion—New Approaches
STP609-EB Child-Resistant Packaging
STP608-EB Recent Developments in Mechanical Testing
STP607-EB Biological Monitoring of Water and Effluent Quality
STP606-EB Building Seals and Sealants
STP605-EB Properties Related to Fracture Toughness
STP602-EB Environmental Effects on Advanced Composite Materials
STP600-EB Fractography—Microscopic Cracking Processes
STP599-EB Soil Specimen Preparation for Laboratory Testing
STP598-EB Calibration in Air Monitoring
STP597-EB Living with Marginal Aggregates
STP596-EB Surface Analysis Techniques for Metallurgical Applications
STP595-EB Fatigue Crack Growth Under Spectrum Loads
STP594-EB Correlating Sensory Objective Measurements—New Methods for Answering Old Problems
STP593-EB Fracture Mechanics of Composites
STP591-EB Resistance to Plane-Stress Fracture (R-Curve Behavior) of A572 Structural Steel
STP590-EB Mechanics of Crack Growth
STP588-EB Manual on Statistical Planning and Analysis
STP587-EB Transactions of Technical Conference on Metric Mechanical Fasteners
STP586-EB Practical Applications of Neutron Radiography and Gaging
STP584-EB Performance Monitoring for Geotechnical Construction
STP582-EB Water Pollution Assessment: Automatic Sampling and Measurement
STP581-EB Thermal Insulations in the Petrochemical Industry
STP580-EB Composite Reliability
STP579-EB Properties of Materials for Liquefied Natural Gas Tankage
STP578-EB Computerized Laboratory Systems
STP577-EB Calculation of Physical Properties of Petroleum Products from Gas Chromatographic Analyses
STP576-EB Galvanic and Pitting Corrosion—Field and Laboratory Studies
STP575-EB Bearing Steels: The Rating of Nonmetallic Inclusion
STP574-EB Metrication—Managing the Industrial Transition
STP573-EB Water Quality Parameters
STP572-EB Semiconductor Measurement Technology: Spreading Resistance Symposium
STP571-EB Monitoring Structural Integrity by Acoustic Emission
STP570-EB Properties of Reactor Structural Alloys After Neutron or Particle Irradiation
STP569-EB Fatigue of Composite Materials
STP568-EB Foreign Object Impact Damage To Composites
STP567-EB Erosion, Wear, and Interfaces with Corrosion
STP566-EB Handbook Of Fatigue Testing
STP565-EB Evolution of the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968
STP564-EB Some Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
STP563-EB Instrumented Impact Testing
STP562-EB Determination of The Spectrochemical Working Curve
STP561-EB Fatigue and Dynamic Testing of Bituminous Mixtures
STP559-EB Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable Cracking
STP558-EB Corrosion in Natural Environments
STP557-EB Metallography—A Practical Tool for Correlating the Structure and Properties of Materials
STP556-EB Fatigue and Fracture Toughness—Cryogenic Behavior
STP555-EB Instrumentation for Monitoring Air Quality
STP554-EB Field Testing and Instrumentation of Rock
STP553-EB Rubber and Related Products: New Methods for Testing and Analyzing
STP552-EB Window and Wall Testing
STP551-EB Zirconium in Nuclear Applications
STP550-EB Nondestructive Rapid Identification of Metals and Alloys by Spot Test
STP548-EB Technical Advances in Packaging with Flexible Barrier Materials
STP547-EB Manual on Electron Metallography Techniques
STP546-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design (Third Conference)
STP545-EB Sensory Evaluation of Appearance of Materials
STP544-EB Heat Transmission Measurements in Thermal Insulations
STP543-EB Hydrogen Embrittlement Testing
STP542-EB The Analysis of Slags and Related Oxide-Type Materials
STP540-EB Sampling, Standards and Homogeneity
STP539-EB Analytical Methods Developed for Application to Lunar Samples Analyses
STP537-EB Cryogens and Gases: Testing Methods and Standards Development
STP536-EB Progress in Flaw Growth and Fracture Toughness Testing
STP535-EB The Measurement of the Dynamic Properties of Elastomers and Elastomeric Mounts
STP534-EB Manual of Industrial Corrosion Standards and Control
STP533-EB Disposal of Plastics with Minimum Environmental Impact
STP532-EB Viscosity Testing of Asphalt and Experience with Viscosity Graded Specifications
STP531-EB Manual on Requirements, Handling, and Quality Control of Gas Turbine Fuel
STP530-EB Skid Resistance of Highway Pavements
STP529-EB Effects of Radiation on Substructure and Mechanical Properties of Metals and Alloys
STP528-EB Biological Methods for the Assessment of Water Quality
STP527-EB Fracture Toughness Evaluation by R-Curve Methods
STP526-EB Direct-Current Magnetic Hysteresigraphs
STP524-EB Applications of Composite Materials
STP521-EB Analysis of the Test Methods for High Modulus Fibers and Composites
STP520-EB Fatigue at Elevated Temperatures
STP519-EB Cyclic Stress-Strain Behavior—Analysis, Experimentation, and Failure Prediction
STP518-EB Stress Corrosion Cracking of Metals—A State of the Art
STP517-EB Optical Emission Spectrometers
STP516-EB Localized Corrosion—Cause of Metal Failure
STP515-EB Testing for Prediction of Material Performance in Structures and Components
STP514-EB Fracture Toughness: Part II
STP512A-EB Laboratory Performance Tests for Automotive Gear Lubricants Intended for API GL-5 Service
STP511-EB Probabilistic Aspects of Fatigue
STP510A-EB Automotive Gasoline Performance and Information System
STP508-EB Fatigue of Compacted Bituminous Aggregate Mixtures
STP507-EB Bibliographical Abstracts on Evaluation of Fluorescent Whitening Agents 1929–1968
STP506-EB Electron Beam Microanalysis
STP504-EB Stereology and Quantitative Metallography
STP503-EB Elevated Temperature Static Properties of Wrought Carbon Steel
STP502-EB Ignition, Heat Release, and Noncombustibility of Materials
STP501-EB Underwater Soil Sampling, Testing, and Construction Control
STP500-EB Paint Testing Manual
STP499-EB Temper Embrittlement of Alloy Steels
STP498-EB Introduction to Today's Ultrahigh-Strength Structural Steels
STP497-EB Composite Materials: Testing and Design (Second Conference)
STP496-EB Fracture Toughness Testing at Cryogenic Temperatures
STP495-EB Metal Fatigue Damage: Mechanism, Detection, Avoidance, and Repair
STP494-EB Welding the HY Steels
STP493-EB Applications of Electron Microfractography to Materials Research
STP492-EB The Theory and Properties of Thermocouple Elements
STP491-EB Hydraulic System Cleanliness
STP490-EB Effect of Notches on Low-Cycle Fatigue: A Literature Survey
STP488-EB Elevated Temperature Testing Problem Areas
STP487-EB Effect of Automotive Emission Requirements on Gasoline Characteristics
STP486-EB Damage Tolerance in Aircraft Structures
STP485-EB Energy Dispersion X-Ray Analysis: X-Ray and Electron Probe Analysis
STP484-EB Irradiation Effects on Structural Alloys for Nuclear Reactor Applications
STP483-EB Sampling of Soil and Rock
STP482-EB Evaluation Methods for Business Form Copies
STP481-EB Analysis of Reactor Vessel Radiation Effects Surveillance Programs
STP480-EB Applications of Modern Metallographic Techniques
STP479-EB Special Procedures for Testing Soil and Rock for Engineering Purposes: Fifth Edition
STP478-EB Appearance of Metallic Surfaces
STP477-EB Determination of the In Situ Modulus of Deformation of Rock
STP474-EB Characterization and Determination of Erosion Resistance
STP472-EB The Reaction Parameters of Lime
STP471-EB The Laboratory Handling and Storage of Peroxy Compounds
STP470B-EB Manual on the Use of Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement
STP470-EB Manual on the Use of Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement
STP470A-EB Manual on the Use of Thermocouples Temperature Measurement
STP469-EB Damage in Laser Glass
STP468-EB A Manual on Methods for Retrieving and Correlating Technical Data
STP467-EB Achievement of High Fatigue Resistance in Metals and Alloys
STP466-EB Impact Testing of Metals
STP465-EB Manual on Low Cycle Fatigue Testing
STP464-EB Fire Test Performance
STP463-EB Review of Developments in Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing
STP462-EB Effects of Environment and Complex Load History on Fatigue Life
STP461-EB Rapid Test Methods for Determination of Bitumen Content in Bituminous Mixtures
STP459-EB Fatigue at High Temperature
STP458-EB Applications-Related Phenomena in Zirconium and its Alloys
STP457-EB Irradiation Effects in Structural Alloys for Thermal and Fast Reactors
STP456-EB Highway Skid Resistance
STP455-EB Gray, Ductile, and Malleable Iron Castings—Current Capabilities
STP454-EB Stainless Steel for Architectural Use
STP453-EB Electron Microfractography
STP452-EB Interfaces in Composites
STP450-EB Vibration Effects of Earthquakes on Soils and Foundations
STP449-EB Bibliography on Low - Cycle Fatigue 1957–1967: Part I Sub-Divided References
STP448-EB Microorganic Matter in Water
STP447A-EB Manual on Test Sieving Methods
STP447B-EB Manual on Test Sieving Methods
STP446-EB Evaluation of Wear Testing
STP445-EB Materials Performance and the Deep Sea
STP444-EB Performance of Deep Foundations
STP443-EB Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
STP442A_S1-EB Supplement to Manual on Water
STP441-EB Cement Comparison of Standards and Significance of Particular Tests
STP440-EB Correlation of Subjective-Objective Methods in the Study of Odors and Taste
STP439-EB Nondestructive Testing of Nuclear Graphite
STP438-EB Metal Matrix Composites
STP437-EB Turbine Lubrication Problems
STP436-EB Electron Fractography
STP435-EB Metal Corrosion in the Atmosphere
STP434-EB Manual on Sensory Testing Methods
STP433-EB Basic Principles of Sensory Evaluation
STP432-EB Applications Related Phenomena in Titanium Alloys
STP431-EB Adhesion, or Cold Welding, of Materials in Space Environments
STP430-EB Fifty Years of Progress in Metallographic Techniques
STP429-EB Determination of Stress in Rock—A State-of-the-Art Report
STP428-EB Automated Analyzers and Quality Control for the Petroleum Industry
STP427-EB Fiber-Strengthened Metallic Composites
STP426-EB Effects of Radiation on Structural Metals
STP425-EB Stress Corrosion Testing
STP424-EB Grading of Paving Asphalts by Viscosity at 140 F Versus Penetration at 77 F
STP422-EB Symposium on Fire Test Methods—Restraint & Smoke 1966
STP420-EB Measurement of Dielectric Properties Under Space Conditions
STP419-EB Test Methods for Compression Members
STP418-EB Effects of Residual Elements on Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steels
STP417-EB Permeability and Capillarity of Soils
STP416-EB Water Quality Criteria
STP415-EB Fatigue Crack Propagation
STP411-EB Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Insulating Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures
STP410-EB Plane Strain Crack Toughness Testing of High Strength Metallic Materials
STP409-EB Engineering Properties of Roofing Systems
STP408-EB Erosion by Cavitation or Impingement
STP407-EB Temper Embrittlement in Steel
STP406-EB Fire Resistance of Hydraulic Fluids
STP405-EB Orientation Effects in the Mechanical Behavior of Anisotropic Structural Materials
STP404-EB Structural Fatigue in Aircraft
STP403A-EB Cold Cleaning with Halogenated Solvents
STP403-EB Cold Cleaning with Halogenated Solvents
STP402-EB Testing Techniques for Rock Mechanics
STP401-EB Durability of Adhesive Joints
STP400-EB Effects of High-Energy Radiation on Inorganic Substances
STP399-EB Vane Shear and Cone Penetration Resistance Testing of In-Situ Soils
STP398-EB Factors in the Operation of Manned Space Chambers
STP397-EB Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Titanium
STP396-EB Advances in Electron Metallography: Vol. 6
STP395-EB Analytical Techniques for Hydraulic Cements and Concrete
STP394-EB Fire and Explosion Hazards of Peroxy Compounds
STP393-EB Determination of Nonmetallic Compounds in Steel
STP392-EB Instruments and Apparatus for Soil and Rock Mechanics
STP391-EB Literature Survey on Creep Damage in Metals
STP390-EB Correlation of Deep-Drawing Press Performance with Tensile Properties
STP389-EB Hydrocarbon Analysis
STP387-EB Behavior of Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures
STP386-EB Plastics in Surgical Implants
STP385-EB Moisture in Materials in Relation to Fire Tests
STP384-EB Radiation Effects in Electronics
STP383-EB Continuous Measurement of the Cure Rate of Rubber
STP381-EB Fracture Toughness Testing and its Applications
STP380-EB Flow and Fracture of Metals and Alloys in Nuclear Environments
STP379-EB Symposium on Newer Structural Materials for Aerospace Vehicles
STP378-EB Internal Friction, Damping, and Cyclic Plasticity
STP376-EB X Ray and Optical Emission Analysis of High-Temperature Alloys
STP375-EB Simulated Service Testing in the Plastics Industry
STP374-EB Irreversible Effects of High Pressure and Temperature on Materials
STP373-EB Application of Advanced and Nuclear Physics to Testing Materials
STP372-EB Techniques of Electron Microscopy, Diffraction, and Microprobe Analysis
STP371-EB Magnetic Testing—Theory and Nomenclature
STP371S1-EB Direct-Current Magnetic Measurements for Soft Magnetic Materials
STP370-EB Structure and Properties of Ultrahigh-Strength Steels
STP369-EB Advances in the Technology of Stainless Steels and Related Alloys
STP368-EB Corrosion of Zirconium Alloys
STP367-EB The Mechanical Properties of Copper-Beryllium Alloy Strip
STP364-EB Comparison of the Properties of Basic Oxygen and Open Hearth Steels
STP362-EB Statistical Methods for Quality Control of Road and Paving Materials
STP361-EB Laboratory Shear Testing of Soils
STP354-EB Railroad Materials and Facilities Research
STP352-EB Symposium on Air-Pollution Measurement Methods
STP351-EB Symposium on Soil Exploration
STP350-EB Symposium on Recent Developments in Nondestructive Testing of Missiles and Rockets
STP349-EB Symposium on X-Ray and Electron Probe Analysis
STP347-EB Recent Research on Bituminous Materials
STP346-EB Symposium on Electrical Insulating Gases
STP345-EB Symposium on Materials for Aircraft, Missiles, and Space Vehicles
STP344-EB Symposium on Fire Test Methods (1962)
STP343-EB Compilation of Gas Chromatographic Data
STP342-EB Symposium on Cleaning and Materials Processing for Electronics and Space Apparatus
STP341-EB Symposium on Radiation Effects on Metals and Neutron Dosimetry
STP340-EB Symposium on Properties of Surfaces
STP339-EB Symposium on Advances in Techniques in Electron Metallography
STP338-EB Symposium on Fatigue Tests of Aircraft Structures: Low-Cycle, Full-Scale, and Helicopters
STP337-EB Papers on Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water
STP336-EB Symposium on Dynamic Behavior of Materials
STP335-EB ASTM Manual for Conductiong an Interlaboratory Study of a Test Method
STP334-EB Symposium on Lubricants for Automotive Equipment
STP332A-EB Manual on Hydrocarbon Analysis, Second Edition—1968
STP331-EB Molecular Formula List of Compounds, Names, and References to Published Infrared Spectra
STP330-EB Space Radiation Effects on Materials
STP328-EB Symposium on Fundamental Viscosity of Bituminous Materials
STP327-EB Symposium on Standards for Filament-Wound Reinforced Plastics
STP326-EB Symposium on Skid Resistance
STP325-EB Symposium on Stress-Strain-Time-Temperature Relationships in Materials
STP324-EB Symposium on Simulated Service Testing of Packaging
STP322-EB Field Testing of Soils
STP321-EB Symposium on Turbine Oils (1962)
STP320-EB Symposium on Masonry Testing
STP319-EB Papers on Soldering (1962)
STP318-EB Symposium on Electroforming—Applications, Uses, and Properties of Electroformed Metals
STP317-EB Symposium on Advances in Electron Metallography and Electron Probe Microanalysis
STP316-EB Bibliography and Abstracts on Primary Soil Deposition 1931 – 1961
STP315G-EB Multicylinder Test Sequences for Evaluating Automotive Engine Oils
STP313-EB ASTM Manual on Fitting Straight Lines
STP312-EB Symposium on Methods of Testing Building Constructions
STP310A-EB Handbook of Vapor Degreasing
STP310-EB Handbook of Vapor Degreasing
STP308-EB Symposium on Extension of Sensitivity for Determining Various Constituents in Metals
STP307-EB Symposium on Erosion and Cavitation
STP306-EB Symposium on Radiation Effects in Refractory Fuel Compounds
STP305-EB Symposium on Soil Dynamics
STP304-EB Symposium on Major Effects of Minor Constituents on the Properties of Materials
STP303-EB Symposium on Elevated-Temperature Compression Testing of Sheet Materials
STP301-EB Symposium on Fire Test Methods
STP300-EB Materials and Electron Device Processing
STP299-EB Symposium on Non-Newtonian Viscometry
STP298-EB Symposium on Current Research on Motor Gasoline Which May Affect Future Specifications
STP296-EB Report on Physical Properties of Metals and Alloys from Cryogenic to Elevated Temperatures
STP294-EB Papers on Road and Paving Materials (Bituminous)—1960
STP293-EB Symposium on Nuclear Methods for Measuring Soil Density and Moisture
STP292-EB Index to the Literature on X-Ray Spectrographic Analysis Part I, 1913–1957
STP289-EB Symposium on Shear and Torsion Testing
STP288B-EB Supplement to the Bibliography and Abstracts, on Thermostat Metals 1962–1965
STP288C-EB Supplement to the Bibliography and Abstracts on Thermostat Metals
STP288-EB Bibliography and Abstracts on Thermostat Metals: 1806–1959
STP287-EB Symposium on Low-Temperature Properties of High-Strength Aircraft and Missile Materials
STP286-EB Symposium on Radiation Effects and Radiation Dosimetry
STP285-EB Symposium on Methods of Metallographic Specimen Preparation
STP284-EB Symposium on Acoustical Fatigue
STP283-EB Properties of Crystalline Solids
STP282-EB Papers on Building Constructions
STP281-EB Symposium on Air Pollution Control
STP280-EB Symposium on Bituminous Waterproofing and Roofing Materials
STP279-EB Reinforced Plastics for Rockets and Aircraft
STP278-EB Symposium on Nondestructive Testing in the Missile Industry
STP277-EB Symposium on Road and Paving Materials—1959
STP276-EB Materials in Nuclear Applications
STP275-EB Symposium on Treated Wood for Marine Use
STP274-EB Symposium on Fatigue of Aircraft Structures
STP272-EB Symposium on Newer Metals
STP270-EB Symposium on Durability and Weathering of Structural Sandwich Constructions
STP269-EB Symposium on Spectroscopy
STP268-EB Symposium on Applied Radiation and Radioisotope Test Methods
STP267-EB Symposium on Hydraulic Fluids
STP264-EB Report on Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steels
STP262-EB Symposium on Electron Metallography
STP261-EB Symposium on Radioisotopes in Metals Analysis and Testing
STP259-EB Symposium on Spectroscopic Excitation
STP257-EB Symposium on Microscopy
STP256-EB Symposium on Identification of Water-Formed Deposits
STP254-EB Papers on Soils 1959 Meetings
STP253-EB Symposium on High-Voltage Cable Insulation
STP252-EB Bituminous Paving Materials
STP251-EB Symposium on Testing Window Assemblies
STP250-EB Symposium on Instrumentation in Atmospheric Analysis
STP249-EB Symposium on Bulk Quantity Measurement
STP248-EB Report on Properties of Cast Iron at Elevated Temperatures
STP247-EB International Symposium on Plastics Testing and Standardization
STP245-EB Symposium on Advances in Electron Metallography
STP244-EB Symposium on Stability of Distillate Fuel Oils
STP243-EB Symposium on Materials Research Frontiers
STP242-EB 1958 Symposium on Bulk Sampling
STP240-EB Symposium on Effect of Water on Bituminous Paving Mixtures
STP239-EB Symposium on Application of Soil Testing in Highway Design and Construction
STP238-EB Symposium on Solvent Extraction in The Analysis of Metals
STP237-EB Symposium on Basic Mechanisms of Fatigue
STP236-EB Symposium on Some Approaches to Durability in Structures
STP235-EB Symposium on Radioactivity in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water
STP234-EB Symposium on Particle Size Measurement
STP231-EB Symposium on Brittle Failure of Rotor Forgings
STP230-EB Symposium on Elevated Temperature Strain Gages
STP229-EB Symposium on Effect of Ozone on Rubber
STP228-EB Report on Elevated-Temperature Properties of Chromium Steels (12–27 per cent)
STP227-EB Thermal Properties of Thirteen Metals
STP226-EB The Elevated-Temperature Properties of Weld-Deposited Metal and Weldments
STP225-EB Knocking Characteristics of Pure Hydrocarbons
STP224-EB Symposium on Composition of Petroleum Oils, Determination and Evaluation
STP223-EB Symposium on Nondestructive Tests in the Field of Nuclear Energy
STP222-EB Symposium on Determination of Gases in Metals
STP221-EB Symposium on Spectrochemical Analysis for Trace Elements
STP219-EB Symposium on Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water
STP218-EB Symposium on Insulating Oils
STP217-EB Symposium on Thermal Conductivity Measurements and Applications of Thermal Insulations
STP216-EB Symposium on Large Fatigue Testing Machines and their Results
STP215-EB Symposium on Radioisotopes
STP214-EB Symposiums on Railroad Materials: Lubricating Oils
STP213-EB Symposium on Nondestructive Testing
STP212-EB Road and Paving Materials
STP211-EB Symposium on Steam Turbine Oils
STP210-EB Symposium on Full-Scale Tests on House Structures
STP208-EB Symposium on Radiation Effects on Materials-Volume 1
STP207-EB Symposium on Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water
STP204-EB Symposium on Titanium
STP203-EB Fatigue of Aircraft Structures
STP202-EB Symposium on Vapor Phase Oxidation of Gasoline
STP201-EB Symposium on Structural Sandwich Constructions
STP200-EB Symposium on Wood for Marine Use and Its Protection from Marine Organisms
STP199-EB Report on Elevated-Temperature Properties of Wrought Medium-Carbon Alloy Steels
STP197-EB Symposium on Properties, Tests, and Performance of Electrodeposited Metallic Coatings
STP195-EB Symposium on Ion Exchange and Chromatography in Analytical Chemistry
STP194-EB Symposium on Tension Testing of Non-Metallic Materials
STP193-EB Symposium on Vane Shear Testing of Soils
STP192-EB Symposium on Steam Quality
STP191-EB Symposium on Specific Gravity of Bituminous Coated Aggregates
STP188-EB Symposium on Minimum Property Values of Electrical Insulating Materials
STP187-EB Relaxation Properties of Steels and Super-Strength Alloys at Elevated Temperatures
STP186-EB Methods for Reducing the Effect of Barometric Pressure in Measurement of Octane Number
STP185-EB Symposium on Speed of Testing of Non-Metallic Materials
STP184-EB Glossary of Terms Relating to Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials
STP183-EB The Mechanical Properties of Wrought Phosphor Bronze Alloys
STP182-EB Determination of the Shear Stability of Non-Newtonian Liquids
STP180-EB Elevated-Temperature Properties of Carbon Steels
STP179-EB Symposium on High-Purity Water Corrosion
STP178-EB Panel Discussion on Pyrometric Practices
STP176-EB Symposium on Impact Testing
STP175-EB Symposium on Atmospheric Corrosion of Non-Ferrous Metals
STP174-EB Symposium on Metallic Materials for Service at Temperatures Above 1600 F
STP172-EB Evaluation of Insulating Oils—European Development
STP170C-EB Compilation of Chemical Compositions and Rupture Strengths of Super-Strength Alloys
STP170A-EB Compilation of Chemical Compositions and Rupture Strengths of Super-Strength Alloys
STP170B-EB Compilation of Chemical Compositions and Rupture Strengths of Super-Strength Alloys
STP169D-EB Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials
STP168-EB ASTM Viscosity Index Calculated from Kinematic Viscosity
STP166-EB Symposium on Methods of Testing Building Constructions
STP165-EB Symposium on Effect of Cyclic Heating and Stressing on Metals at Elevated Temperatures
STP163-EB Symposium on Permeability of Soils
STP162-EB Symposium on Coal Sampling
STP160-EB Report on The Elevated-Temperature Properties of Selected Super-Strength Alloys
STP159-EB Symposium on Radioactivity—An Introduction
STP157-EB Symposium on Fluorescent X-ray Spectrographic Analysis
STP155-EB Symposium on Techniques for Electron Metallography
STP154A-EB Supplement to Symposium on Lateral Load Tests on Piles
STP153-EB Symposium on Porcelain Enamels and Ceramic Coatings as Engineering Materials
STP152-EB Symposium on Insulating Oils: Fifth Series
STP150-EB Bibliographical Abstracts of Methods for Analysis of Synthetic Detergents
STP149-EB Symposium on Chemical Analysis of Inorganic Solids by Means of the Mass Spectrometer
STP148E-EB Manual on Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water
STP148D-EB Manual on Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water
STP148B-EB Manual on Industrial Water
STP148-EB Manual on Industrial Water
STP147-EB Fifty Years of Paint Testing
STP145-EB Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing
STP144-EB Symposium on Fretting Corrosion
STP143-EB Symposium on Light Microscopy
STP142-EB Symposium on Exchange Phenomena in Soils
STP140-EB Symposium on Testing Metal Powders and Metal Powder Products
STP139-EB Symposium on Statistical Methods for the Detergent Laboratories
STP138-EB Symposium on Testing Adhesives for Durability and Permanence
STP137-EB Symposium on Fatigue with Emphasis on Statistical Approach-II
STP136-EB Symposium on Recent Developments in the Evaluation of Natural Rubber
STP135-EB Symposium on Insulating Oils: Fourth Series
STP134-EB Symposium on the Use of Radioisotopes in Soil Mechanics
STP133-EB Symposium on Conditioning and Weathering
STP132-EB Symposium on Plastics Testing—Present and Future
STP131-EB Symposium on Direct Shear Testing of Soils
STP130-EB Symposium on Continuous Analysis of Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water
STP129-EB Symposium on Determination of Elastic Constants
STP126-EB Symposium on Consolidation Testing of Soils
STP124-EB Report on the Elevated-Temperature Properties of Stainless Steels
STP122-EB Symposium on Surface and Subsurface Reconnaissance
STP121-EB Symposium on Statistical Aspects of Fatigue
STP120A-EB Selection and Use of Engine Coolants and Cooling System Chemicals
STP120B-EB Selection and Use of Engine Coolants and Cooling System Chemicals
STP119-EB Symposium on Thermal Insulating Materials
STP118-EB Symposium on Structural Sandwich Construction
STP117-EB Symposium on Measurement of Consumer Wants
STP116-EB Symposium on Flame Photometry
STP115-EB Papers on Evaluation of Soaps and Detergents
STP114-EB Symposium on Bulk Sampling
STP112-EB Symposium on the Rôle of Non-Destructive Testing in the Economics of Production
STP111-EB Symposium on Methods of Measuring Viscosity at High Rates of Shear
STP110-EB Symposium on the Nature, Occurrence, and Effects of Sigma Phase
STP109A-EB Physical Constants of Hydrocarbons C1 to C10
STP109-EB Physical Constants of Hyrocarbons Boiling Below 350 F
STP108-EB Symposium on Corrosion of Materials at Elevated Temperatures
STP107-EB Symposium on Plasticity and Creep of Metals
STP106-EB Triaxial Testing of Soils and Bitminous Mixtures
STP105-EB Symposium on Turbine Oils
STP104-EB Symposium on Dynamic Stress Determinations
STP103-EB Symposium on Application of Statistics
STP102-EB Symposium on High Additive Content Oils
STP101-EB Symposium on Ultrasonic Testing
STP100-EB Report on the Strength of Wrought Steels at Elevated Temperatures
STP99-EB Symposium on Use of Pozzolanic Materials in Mortars and Concretes
STP98-EB Symposium on Rapid Methods for the Identification of Metals
STP95-EB Symposium on Insulating Oils
STP93-EB Symposium on Evaluation Tests for Stainless Steels
STP92-EB Symposium on Lubrication of High-Speed Turbine Gear Equipment
STP91-EB Manual on Fatigue Testing
STP91A-EB A Guide for Fatigue Testing and the Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data
STP90B-EB Metal Cleaning Bibliographical Abstracts 1842 – 1951
STP90E-EB 1960 Supplement to the Metal Cleaning Bibliographical Abstracts
STP90C-EB 1954 Supplement to the Metal Cleaning Bibliographical Abstracts
STP90D-EB 1957 Supplement to the Metal Cleaning Bibliographical Abstracts
STP89-EB Symposium on Aging of Rubbers
STP88-EB Symposium on Industrial Gear Lubricants
STP84-EB Symposium on Functional Tests for Ball Bearing Greases
STP83-EB Symposium on Mineral Aggregates (1948)
STP82-EB Forum on Tractor Fuels
STP81-EB Petroleum Products as Related to Automotive Equipment
STP79-EB Symposium on Load Tests of Bearing Capacity of Soils
STP78-EB Symposium on Effects of Low Temperatures on the Properties of Materials
STP77-EB Symposium on Synthetic Lubricants
STP76-EB Symposium on Spectroscopic Light Sources
STP74-EB Symposium on Rubber Testing
STP73-EB Symposium on pH Measurement
STP72-EB Symposium on Testing of Parts and Assemblies
STP70-EB Symposium on Testing of Bearings
STP69-EB Symposium on Oil Procurement Practices
STP68-EB Symposium on Materials for Gas Turbines
STP67-EB Symposium on Atmospheric Exposure Tests on Non-Ferrous Metals
STP66-EB Discussion on Statistical Quality Control in its Application to Specification Requirements
STP64-EB Symposium on Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Metals
STP62-EB Symposium on Magnetic Particle Testing
STP61-EB Symposium on The Applications of Synthetic Rubbers
STP58D-EB Report on Available Standard Samples and Related Materials for Spectrochemical Analysis
STP56P-EB 1961 Supplement to the Bibliography and Abstracts on Electrical Contacts
STP56J-EB 1955 Supplement to the Bibliography and Abstracts on Electrical Contacts
STP56H-EB 1952 and 1953 Supplements to the Bibliography and Abstracts on Electrical Contacts
STP56L-EB 1957 Supplement to the Bibliography and Abstracts on Electrical Contacts
STP56M-EB 1958 Supplement to the Bibliography and Abstracts on Electrical Contacts
STP56G-EB Bibliography and Abstracts on Electrical Contacts 1835–1951
STP56O-EB 1960 Supplement to the Bibliography and Abstracts on Electrical Contacts
STP56N-EB 1959 Supplement to the Bibliography and Abstracts on Electrical Contacts
STP55-EB Symposium on Powder Metallurgy
STP51-EB Symposium on New Methods for Particle Size Determination in the Subsieve Range
STP50-EB Symposium on Color—Its Specification and Use in Evaluating the Appearance of Materials
STP47-EB Impact Resistance and Tensile Properties of Metals at Subatmospheric Temperatures
STP45-EB Evaluation of Petroleum Products
STP43B-EB ASTM Viscosity Tables for Kinematic Viscosity Conversions and Viscosity Index Calculations
STP43C-EB ASTM Viscosity Tables for Kinematic Viscosity Conversions and Viscosity Index Calculations
STP41C-EB Index to the Literature on Spectrochemical Analysis, Part III, 1946–1950
STP41-EB Index to the Literature on Spectraochemical Analysis Part IV, 1951–1955
STP32-EB Symposium on Corrosion Testing Procedures
STP28A-EB Symposium on Radiography
STP25-EB Symposium on Pearlitic Malleable Cast Iron
STP23-EB Symposium on Industrial Fuels
STP20-EB Symposium on the Place of Materials in Automobile Roads and Rides
STP18-EB Symposium on Paint and Paint Materials
STP15C-EB ASTM Manual on Quality Control of Materials
STP12-EB Symposium on Effect of Temperature on the Properties of Metals
STP9O-EB 1964 References on Fatigue
STP9D-EB References on Fatigue
STP9C-EB References on Fatigue
STP9H-EB 1956 References on Fatigue
STP9AA-EB Five-Year Bibliography on Fatigue 1950–1954
STP9I-EB 1957 References on Fatigue
STP9BB-EB Five-Year Bibliography on Fatigue 1955–1959
STP9K-EB 1959 References on Fatigue
STP9L-EB 1960 References on Fatigue
STP7-EB The Significance of Tests of Petroleum Products