STP Published: 1990

Geosynthetics: Microstructure and Performance

Editor(s): I Peggs

13 peer-reviewed papers on the effects of structural parameters of fibers, geotextiles, and geomembranes on the short and long term performance of finished geosynthetic products.

Papers include:

• Service Life of Geosynthetics in Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

• Is Microstructure Important to the Performance of Geosynthetics?

• Thermal Analysis of Nonwoven Polyester Geotextiles

• Density Polyethylene: Physical Property Sensing Techniques

• and Brittle Fracture in Polyethylene Geomembranes.

For geosynthetic manufacturers, consulting civil and geotechnical engineers, geosynthetic testing laboratory personnel, hazardous and municipal waste landfill owners and operators, liquid impoundment operators, mining companies with heap leach pads, state environmental regulators, and state transportation engineers.

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Developed by Committee: D35
Pages: 170
DOI: 10.1520/STP1076-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5135-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1298-8