STP Published: 2013

Continuous Soil Gas Measurements: Worst Case Risk Parameters

Editor(s): L.G. Everett, M. Kram

Ten peer-reviewed papers cover:

Use of Continuous Monitoring in Detection and Prediction of Worst Case Risk Parameters—demonstrates how continuous monitoring significantly improves detection and prediction of ground gas regime.

Automated Continuous Monitoring and Observation of Dynamic Subsurface Vapor Contaminant Concentrations—discusses a network of real-time continuous soil vapor monitoring devices deployed to monitor for potential explosion hazards caused by vapor intrusion.

Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry as a Real-Time Method for Continuous Organic Vapor Detection in Soil Gas and Ambient Air—describes Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry as a relatively new analytical technique ideally suited for real-time measurements of VOCs.

Vapor Intrusion Risk Assessment with an Innovative Mobile GC-System—focuses on a mobile soil gas testing system that does not require any enrichment of samples and delivers the results rapidly.

Measurements of Natural Gas Emission Rates from Below Pipelines—discusses the procedure and field measurements of methane emissions from underground pipeline leaks.

Measuring Compound Concentrations Using Time-Integrated Passive Soil Gas Samplers—discusses the GORE® Module, a highly versatile, sorbent-based soil gas sampler.

Importance of Soil Moisture for In Situ Gas Surveying and Plume Assessment—describes how to establish responsible values for finding subsurface ground water contamination or other volatile contaminant plumes.

Soil Gas Sampling with Direct Push and Hand Sampling Equipment—outlines crucial steps to develop and conduct a successful soil gas sampling plan and vapor intrusion monitoring procedure.

Vapor Migration Assessment for a Chlorinated Contaminated Site via Induced Flux Measurement—proposes three modifications to the standard soil atmosphere sampling procedure.

Continuous Monitoring of Soil Gas by PID/FID Analyzers—discusses cleanup of gasoline from groundwater and soil and the leaking of VOC’s into basements of buildings.

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Developed by Committee: D18
Pages: 182
DOI: 10.1520/STP1570-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7585-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-7586-0