STP Published: 2000

Oil Flow Studies at Low Temperatures in Modern Engines

Editor(s): Harold Shaub

STP 1388 examines 11 peer-review papers that focus on the latest issues involved in oil flow related engine operation at low temperatures in modern engines (lubricated with modern oils), and provides a good basis for future specification development.

Over the last six years, at the request of SAE's Fuels and Lubricants Division, ASTM conducted an extensive industry program on cold start and pumpability with modern oils in modern engines. The first seven papers in STP 1388 explore the results of the ASTM Low Temperature Engine Performance (LTEP) task force, which addressed some of the following concerns:

• To determine if modern engines start on average at lower temperatures than earlier engines designs do

• To determine if there a "safety margin" between limiting cranking and pumping viscosities in modern engines

• To determine the cranking and pumping limitations of single grade (non-VI improved) engine oils

• To assess the benefits and limitations of current methods for identifying oils that could result in pumpability failure in engines.

The remaining papers address future challenges in the area of pumpability or address work conducted outside the ASTM LTEP Program.

Table of Contents

CJ May, EF De Paz, FW Girshick, KO Henderson, RB Rhodes, S Tseregounis, LH Ying

CJ May, EF De Paz, FW Girshick, KO Henderson, RB Rhodes, S Tseregounis, LH Ying

FW Girshick, EF De Paz, CJ May, KO Henderson, RB Rhodes, S Tseregounis, LH Ying

S Tseregounis, EF De Paz, FW Girshick, KO Henderson, CJ May, RB Rhodes, LH Ying

KO Henderson, CJ May, EF De Paz, FW Girshick, RB Rhodes, S Tseregounis, LH Ying

RB Rhodes, EF De Paz, FW Girshick, KO Henderson, CJ May, S Tseregounis, LH Ying

CJ May, EF De Paz, FW Girshick, KO Henderson, RB Rhodes, S Tseregounis, LH Ying

TW Selby

FW Girshick, LH Gaines, DJ Martella

RM Webber, HF George, MJ Covitch

CJ May, BA Koenitzer, PKS Lai

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Developed by Committee: D02
Pages: 176
DOI: 10.1520/STP1388-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5436-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-2857-6