STP Published: 2006

Contaminated Sediments: Evaluation and Remediation Techniques

Editor(s): Masaharu Fukue, Katsutoshi Kita, Masami Ohtsubo, Ronald C. Chaney

Thirty-eight peer-reviewed papers focus on the latest advances in the fields of environmental science and underwater engineering related to sediments. Topics cover characterization, evaluation, mitigation, restoration and management of contaminated sediments in the fields of oceanography, limnology, sedimentology, geochemistry, marine geotechnology, environmental science, and civil engineering. Papers also cover the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of sediments.

Four sections address:

• Monitoring and field investigation in relation to the quality of sediments and water

• Physical properties of sediments, which also affect the fate and transport of contamination

• Specific topics and issues concerning heavy metals

• Different, potentially more sustainable, approaches for remediation technology including capping of contaminated sediments and cement stabilization of dredged contaminated materials

Table of Contents

HE Keenan, M Dyer, A Songsasen, S Bangkedphol, U Homchan

YS Kim, MH Oh, SY Bang, J Park

Y Sato, M Fukue, K Yasuda, K Kita, S Sawamoto, Y Miyata

M Fukue, Y Sato, K Uehara, Y Kato, Y Furukawa

T Umeki, A Mano, Y Ishibashi

S Hayashi, YJ Du

M Mizoguchi, Y Abe, N Yamaguchi, T Miyazaki

S Iwasaki, M Sakka, T Kimura, K Sakka, T Matsuda, S Matsui

M Kimura, K Ishida

G Imai, Y Komatsu, M Fukue

T Shogaki

T Shogaki

M Ishiguro, R Iwamoto, A Hamabe, T Ishida, T Akae

M Dyer

M Ohtsubo, T Morishita, L Li, T Higashi, S Yamaoka

D Dermatas, R Bonaparte, M Chrysochoou, DH Moon

DH Moon, D Dermatas, M Chrysochoou, G Shen

M Chrysochoou, D Dermatas, DH Moon, C Christodoulatos, M Wazne, C French, J Morris, M Kaouris

M Kamon, H Zhang, T Katsumi, T Inui

LY Li, G Mattu, D McCallum, K Hall, M Chen

B Dahrazma, CN Mulligan

CN Mulligan, RN Yong

CS Manhart, RC Chaney

R Galvez-Cloutier, S Leroueil, D Allier, J Locat, S Arsenault

K Murakami, Y Nobusawa, Y Kameyama

JT Olsta, CJ Hornaday, JW Darlington

KR Reddy, PR Ala

HI Chung, M Kamon

HI Chung, GC Sills, M Kamon

T Hata, F Kurisu, O Yagi, H Mori, R Kuwano, H Kohashi

T Nishimura, H Shirato, M Hayashi, M Kato

M Asada, P Parkpian, S Horiuchi

MM Hussainuzzaman, H Yokota

M Fukue, T Minato, K Uehara, Y Sato, T Inoue, S Yamasaki

E Eek, A Pettersen, A Hauge, GD Breedveld, A Solberg, SU Heines, K Solberg, SO Lie

JK Holme, L Dokter, E Eek, TG Jensen, T Loken, GD Breedveld

S Tani, S Fukushima, A Kitajima, K Nishimoto

T Suko, T Fujikawa, T Miyazaki

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Developed by Committee: D18
Pages: 384
DOI: 10.1520/STP1482-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5512-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-3408-9