STP Published: 1990

Geotechnics of Waste Fills—Theory and Practice

Editor(s): Arvid Landva, G. David Knowles

Explores the geotechnical properties and behavior of waste fill materials. 23 peer-reviewed papers provide solutions to problems pertaining to placing methods, field and laboratory sampling and testing, classification, and in-situ improvement methods.

Papers in 4 sections:

• Landfill Investigations, Design, Construction

• Stabilization, Compaction, Consolidation

• Stability and Settlement Analyses

• and Case Histories.

Useful handbook for design and construction on and in the large number of closed landfills in North America and elsewhere.

Table of Contents

A Landva, GD Knowles

DV Morris, CE Woods

WR Orr, MO Finch

TA Lawrence, GP Boutwell

GP Gifford, AO Landva, VC Hoffman

HD Sharma, MT Dukes, DM Olsen

W-H Huang, CW Lovell

AO Landva, JI Clark

J-L Briaud, M-L Liu, Ph Lepert

YB Acar, RK Seals, AJ Puppala

MCR Davies

DC Koutsoftas, ML Kiefer


JP Martin, FJ Biehl, JS Browning, EL Van Keuren

JK Mitchell, RB Seed, HB Seed

TB Edil, VJ Ranguette, WW Wuellner

S Singh, BJ Murphy

RA Siegel, RJ Robertson, DG Anderson

GE Tieman, GW Druback, KA Davis, CH Weidner

N Duplancic

F Belfiore, M Manassero, C Viola

RD Hinkle

RE Oakley

DP Coduto, R Huitric

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Developed by Committee: D18
Pages: 370
DOI: 10.1520/STP1070-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5130-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1285-8