STP Published: 1996

Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Fourth Volume

Editor(s): T.W. La Point, F. T. Price, E.E. Little

The most current information available on the international aspects of pollution and its impact on the environment. This comprehensive text includes state of the art research from Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands and the United States.

Featured topics among 15 peer-reviewed papers include: Transboundary pollution issues across international borders • Laboratory and field estimation of exposure and effects • Risk assessment and human health • Generic industrial cleanup criteria in Canada and the U.S. • Aquatic toxicology • Bioindicators International approaches to sediment toxicity assessment.

Table of Contents

EJ Medina

JD Walker

BM Greenberg, DG Dixon, MI Wilson, X-D Huang, BJ McConkey, CL Duxbury, K Gerhardt, RW Gensemer

DN Commons, JR Proni, RE Fergen

DJ Fort, EL Stover, JA Bantle

LA Kapustka

RS Berger, JH Barkach, WF Kuhn

MJ Kangas, PK Scott, BL Finley, DJ Paustenbach

TR Zacharewski, GP McCallum, JJ Stegeman, JR Bend

B Quan

JM Nielsen, ST Washburn, KM Keoughan

EE Little, AJ DeLonay

GL Stephenson, KE Day, R Scroggins, RS Kirby, P Hamr

CW Steele, DH Taylor, S Strickler-Shaw

AJ DeLonay, EE Little, J Lipton, DF Woodward, JA Hansen

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Developed by Committee: E47
Pages: 287
DOI: 10.1520/STP1262-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5324-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1998-7