STP Published: 1990

The Measurement and Correction of Electrolyte Resistance in Electrochemical Tests

Editor(s): L. L. Scribner, S. R. Taylor

Reviews and critiques new and existing methods for the correction of ohmic electrolyte resistance, an error inherent in all electrochemical experiments.

13 peer-reviewed papers are divided into sections on theory, critical comparisons of methods, mathematical approaches, and applications. Includes applications on metals in desert soils, buried pipelines, corrosion in concrete, and crevice corrosion case studies.

Table of Contents

R Taylor, L Scribner

HP Hack, PJ Moran, JR Scully

WC Ehrhardt

K Nisancioglu

WC Ehrhardt

F Mansfeld, YC Chen, H Shih

JM Esteban, M Lowry, ME Orazem

V Farozic, G Prentice

D Abraham, DA Jones, MR Whitbeck, CM Case

NG Thompson, JA Beavers

E Escalante

NS Berke, DF Shen, KM Sundberg

CC Streinz, RG Kelly, PJ Moran, J Jolson, JR Waggoner, S Wicelinski

BA Shaw

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Developed by Committee: G01
Pages: 256
DOI: 10.1520/STP1056-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5118-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1283-4