STP Published: 1979

Measurement of Organic Pollutants in Water and Wastewater

Editor(s): C.E. Van Hall

The Symposium on the Measurement of Organic Pollutants in Water and Wastewater was presented in Denver, Colo., 19-20 June 1978. The symposium was sponsored by ASTM Committee D19 on Water. C. E. Van Hall, Dow Chemical Co., presided as symposium chairman; the symposium committee members were: B. F. Afghan, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, J. R. Hall, Hydroscience Associates, Inc., R. J. Joyce, Dohrmann-Envirotech, J. J. Lichtenberg, Environmental Protection Agency, J. P. Mieure, Monsanto Chemical Co., F. T. Weiss, Shell Development Co., and R. E. White, International Joint Commission. Van Hall also served as editor of this publication.

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Developed by Committee: D19
Pages: 365
DOI: 10.1520/STP686-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-4753-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-0508-9