STP Published: 1998

Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: Eighteenth Volume

Editor(s): John D. Nalewaja, G. Robert Goss, R. Scott Tann

Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: 18th Volume (STP 1347) provides 26 peer-reviewed papers from application, formulation, and synthesis professionals from academia, government, and industry. The volume is divided into three areas:

Current Issues -- the impact of pesticide and insect resistant crops on pesticide and adjuvant usage and regulatory concerns; the advantages and disadvantages of transgenic crops and potential shifts in pesticide usage; basic principles of endocrine disruption, compounds considered disrupters; the activities of the Endocrine Disrupter Screening and Testing Advisory Committee that was established to help the EPA with guidelines for the Congressional set date of August 1999.

Application Technology -- Innovations in pesticide spray applications; influence of species, spray volume, droplet size, adjuvant type and amount of spray retained; closed systems for spray application; spray distribution patterns; mechanism of spray droplet wetting and spreading; and surface tension affects on droplet spectrum.

Pesticide Formulations and Adjuvants -- Various components for liquid, flowable, and granular pesticide formulations are discussed in several papers. The surface acidity of clay carriers relative to pesticide stability, the use of computer models for developing emusifiable formulations; rapid tests for adjuvant efficacy with specific herbicides; and the blends of dispersing agents and surfactants for suspension stability are specific topics addressed.

Topics relating to adjuvant enhanced efficacy are adjuvant physicochemical properties; surfactant phytotoxicity to plants and cell suspensions; spray droplet retention and spread relative to efficacy with herbicides; potential of corn syrup as an adjuvant; and methods of evaluating adjuvant efficacy.

For pesticide formulators, pesticide developers, agricultural consultants, weed, insect, and plant disease scientists. Also for general formulation chemists (as in the paint industry, pharmaceuticals, inks, etc.) and pesticide distributors.

Table of Contents

AG Dexter

AJ Duggan

JR Beck, LR Martin, RH Giles

TM Wolf

OR Swenson, FA Manthey

M Salyani

RA Downer, RAJ Taylor, TA Ebert, RS Thompson, FR Hall

WR Dexter, EW Huddleston

DE Bruns, JD Nalewaja

FA Manthey, Z Woźnica, P Miłkowski

AD Nikolov, DT Wasan, K Koczo

J Venzmer, SP Wilkowski

JF Curry, R Goehner, KS Narayanan

BJ Butler, AK Schultz

PR Skelton, KL Turpin

PD Frisch, RA Verbelen

J Stein, DR Taylor, N Svidovsky

DR Taylor, J Stein, N Svidovsky

DI Jon, DI Prettypaul, MJ Benning, KS Narayanan, RM Ianniello

BN Devisetty, Y Wang, P Sudershan, BL Kirkpatrick, RJ Cibulsky, D Birkhold

J Sun, M Singh

J Sun, CL Foy

H de Ruiter, E Meinen, AJM Uffing

H de Ruiter, AJM Uffing, E Meinen

FA Manthey, LS Dahleen

FC Roggenbuck, JJ Kells, D Penner

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Developed by Committee: E35
Pages: 338
DOI: 10.1520/STP1347-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5392-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-2491-2