STP Published: 1995

Reactor Dosimetry

Editor(s): Harry Farrar IV, E. Parvin Lippincott, John G. Williams, David W. Vehar

Presents the most up to date research available from the world's leading experts in neutron and gammaray physics and dosimetry. This state-of-the-art review features over 85 peer-reviewed papers on such wide-ranging subjects as:

Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry -- 17papers, including review papers on the current status of surveillance standards, several papers on the status of surveillance programs in central and eastern European countries, and a number of papers on handling uncertainties in surveillance data.

Passive and Active Neutron Dosimetry Techniques -- two sections containing papers that describe some of the newest techniques in neutron metrology.

Benchmarks -- includes papers describing the analysis of benchmark neutron environments for verification and validation of measurement and calculational results.

Gamma-Ray Dosimetry Techniques -- 5 papers describing some of the latest techniques for determining gamma-ray fluences in reactor environments.

Radiation Damage Evaluation and Measurements-- contains papers correlating various aspects of radiation damage with fluence.

Radiation Field Characterization -- 8 papers describe analyses in a wide variety of neutron environments, ranging from neutron fields in light-water moderated research reactors to photoneutron fields produced by an electron accelerator.

Nuclear Data -- papers on evaluations of specific cross sections important for dosimetry applications, as well as evaluation and testing of updated dosimetry cross-section libraries. In addition, this section includes 2 papers on the evaluation and testing of the most recent multigroup cross-section libraries used for neutron and gamma-ray transport calculations.

High-Energy Neutron Dosimetry -- 5 papers that support research in fusion energy.

Three keynote presentations and summaries of nine workshop meetings are also included in this comprehensive edition.

Table of Contents

CZ Serpan

WN McElroy, RJ McElroy, R Gold

WN McElroy, RJ McElroy, R Gold, EP Lippincott, AL Lowe

B Ošmera, č Svoboda, J Hep, M Holman, J Hógel, V Valenta

KD Ilieva, TG Apostolov, SI Belousov, SY Antonov

LB Baers, T0 Serén

GI Borodkin, OM Kovalevich, SS Lomakin, NV Sycheva

HA Abderrahim, GL Minsart, PJ D'hondt

RL Perel, JJ Wagschal, Y Yeivin

EP Lippincott

JL Helm

R Gold

JR White, KB Spinney, KJ Morrissey, RJ Cacciapouti

RM de Wouters, DJ Laurent, PJ D'Hondt

A Bevilacqua, R Lloret, JC Nimal, S Zengh, C Rieg

JV Pace, CO slater, MS Smith

E Polke

CC Stoker, F Reitsma, G Lamparelli

BM Oliver, WN McElroy, LS Kellogg, H Farrar

PJ Griffin, CV Holm, DW Vehar, JJG Kelly

C Ertek, H Oigawa

FH Ruddy, JG Seide, AH Fero

LB Baers, EK Hasanen

W-J Shong, JF Stubbins, JG Williams, JW Rogers, M Giacobbe

F d'Errico, WG Alberts, RE Apfel, G Curzio, S Guldbakke

CD Ingelbrecht, FW Peetermans, S Palmeri, PB Robouch

R Lacaille, A Jegat

DJ Moulin

H Toyokawa, A Uritani, C Mori, N Takeda, K Kudo

WH Miller

S Guldbakke, H Klein, A Meister, J Pulpan, U Scheler, M Tichy, S Unholzer

AV Alevra

MB Stanka

M Matzke, WG Alberts, E Dietz

PD Blaise, RM de Wouters, HA Abderrahim

HA Abderrahim, M Hort

KD Ilieva, SI Belousov, SY Antonov, SM Zaritsky, EB Brodkin

RL Perel, JJ Wagschall, Y Yeivin

L Petrusha, C Garat

DM Gilliam, JF Briesmeister

WT Urban, RE Alcouffe, DK Parsons, DR Marr, BA Clark

JR Mossop, DA Thornton, TA Lewis

HA Abderrahim, PJ D‘hondt, P Risch, JB Oeyen, P Bioux

AI Hawari, R Venkataraman, R Fleming, E Charles, J Grundl, ED McGarry

JP Rozain, F Barbry, R Medioni

DW Vehar, PJ Griffin

DW Vehar

G Mackay, I Thomson, CR Hirning, M Zeya

SQ King, DM Gilliam

I Kimura, K Kagehira, Y Sakurai, J Kimura, I Kanno, T Sato, S Shiroya, K Kanda

J Bros, A Ballesteros

A Alberman, D Beretz, L Bourdet, H Carcreff

EB Brodkin, AL Egorov, VN Golovanov, NV Markina, VM Raetsky, VS Sulaberidze, VA Tsikanov, SM Zaritsky

LE Steele, BF Beaudoin, EC Biemiller, RA Van Konynenburg, WL Server

LR Greenwood, FA Garner, DJ Edwards

CR Heimbach

FW Stallmann, FBK Kam, JA Wang

RL Simons

MP Manahan, LJ Cuddy, AJ Peterson

CM De Raedt, LF Sannen, PJ Vanmechelen, BM Oliver

A Janett, F Atchison, GS Bauer

CD West

JJG Kelly, PJ Griffin, DC Raupach, TH Daubenspect, JS Bennion, DL Newell

RF Lidstone, GB Wilkin

WP Voorbraak, A Paardekooper, BN Polle, WE Freudenreich

CM De Raedt, SF Bodart, BJ Ponsard, MJ Wéber, T Maldague

S Agosteo, A Foglio Para

RJ Cacciapouti, L Petrusha

HJ Nolthenius, éM Zsolnay, EJ Szondi

JR White, KB Spinney, KJ Morrissey, RJ Cacciapouti

DT Ingersoll, JE White, RQ Wright, HT Hunter, CO Slater, RE MacFarlane, NM Greene

K Kobayashi, M Nakazawa, S Iwasaki, T Iguchi, Y Ikeda, T Nakagawa, K Sakurai, N Odano

PJ Griffin, JJG Kelly

NP Kocherov

SA Badikov, KI Zolotarev

AD Carlson, WE Parker, PW Lisowski, GL Morgan, SJ Seestrom, NW Hill, K Meggers

K Kobayashi, A Yamanaka, I Kimura

K Kobayashi

S Iwasaki, N Odano

CO Beasley, NM Larson, JA Harvey, DC Larson, GM Hale

MA Rutherford, SQ King

R Gold

BM Oliver, JW Rogers

PD Ferguson, GE Mueller, WF Sommer, EH Farnum

MS Wechsler, PD Ferguson, C Lin, WF Sommer

P Joyer, G Martin

F Hegedüs, M Victoria

PF Bortignon, F Mariani, A Perini, V Sangiust

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Developed by Committee: E10
Pages: 824
DOI: 10.1520/STP1228-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5281-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1899-7