STP Published: 1972

Acoustic Emission

Editor(s): R.G. Liptai, D.O. Harris, C.A. Tatro

The Symposium on Acoustic Emission was presented at the December Committee Week of ASTM held in Bal Harbour, Florida, 7-8 December 1971. The ASTM Publications Committee sponsored the symposium. R. G. Liptai, Lawrence Radiation Lab., presided as symposium chairman, and D. O. Harris and C. A. Tatro, also of Lawrence Radiation Lab., served as co-chairmen.

Table of Contents

RG Liptai, DO Harris, CA Tatro

RG Liptai, DO Harris, CA Tatro

BH Schofield

PP Gillis

AS Tetelman, R Chow

HR Hardy

CA Tatro

HL Dunegan, AT Green

PH Hutton

JR Frederick, DK Felbeck

GR Speich, RM Fisher

K Ono, R Stern, M Long

Y Nakamura, CL Veach, BO McCauley

CE Hartbower, WG Reuter, CF Morais, PP Crimmins

KA Fowler, EP Papadakis

DO Harris, AS Tetelman, FA Darwish

TT Anderson, AP Gavin, JR Karvinen, CC Price, KJ Reimann

NO Cross, LL Loushin, JL Thompson

HL Balderston

AE Brown, RG Liptai

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Developed by Committee: E07
Pages: 344
DOI: 10.1520/STP505-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-4611-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-0116-6