SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 December 2022

Advancements in On-Site Oil Analysis Using Industry 4.0 Techniques


Advancements of on-site tools have brought oil analysis into the hands of reliability professionals and mechanics. Simple analytical tools and software enable engineers to make maintenance decisions more quickly and with confidence. Wear, physical properties, and contaminants can easily be detected using viscometers, infrared (IR) spectrometers, and wear particle analyzers. More specifically, in addition to the routinely trended IR parameters, advances in handheld IR technology now allow for trending of biodiesel fuel dilution, fluid integrity, and moisture content in greases. These advanced features allow users to flag fluid mix-ups or quickly detect whether contamination is present. With the large amount of data now being gathered on site, effectively managing these data has become increasingly important for on-site reliability professionals responsible for data application. To ensure high-quality reporting, enhanced software techniques are available utilizing the latest in Industry 4.0 techniques, enterprise tools, and prognostics features to establish trends, set alarm limits, and use machine learning to evaluate data.

Author Information

Williams, Lisa
Ametek Spectro Scientific, Chelmsford, MA, US
Price, Randi
Ametek Spectro Scientific, Chelmsford, MA, US
Price: $25.00
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Pages: 58–69
DOI: 10.1520/STP163420200077
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7715-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-7714-7