SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 24 August 2020

Effects of Loading Rate and Temperature on Fracture Toughness of 4130 Quenched and Tempered Steel Using Precracked Charpy V-Notch Specimens


The fracture-energy criterion JIc was determined by the single-specimen method on precracked Charpy V-notch (CVN) specimens as a function of loading rate and temperature. The material for this study was quenched and tempered 4130 steel used for tower anchor bars of high-voltage transmission lines. The experimental temperature range was between −40 and 80°C, and the loading rate range varied from that characterized by slow bending (5 × 10−6 to 5 × 10−4 m/s) to that used for impact testing (1.8 to 5.2 m/s). Crack onset detection in slow bend testing is measured by the four-point resistivity method, and in the case of impact testing, maximum load is considered to be the crack onset load. The loading rate effect on the critical value of the J-integral is importa:it over the whole range from slow bend testing to impact testing; however, it is imperceptible in narrow ranges of loading rates. JIc and JIcd present a temperature transition zone. JIcd is greater than JIc on the upper shelf and in the transition zone.

Author Information

Nguyen-Duy, P.
Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Quebec, CA
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: E08
Pages: 341–352
DOI: 10.1520/STP791B1983020
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7720-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-0729-8