Work Item
ASTM WK89743

New Practice for Rolling Wheel Load Tests to Evaluate the Structural Performance of Roadway Test Sections with Geosynthetics

1. Scope

This standard practice outlines the requirements associated with the construction and testing of full-scale unpaved and paved roadway cross-sections, with and without geosynthetics, that are built in a controlled manner and trafficked using a rolling wheel load.


traffic benefit ratio (TBR); rut; geosynthetics; pavement testing; performance; rut; accelerated pavement tester device; Rolling wheel load


Multiple research and testing efforts currently use large-scale rolling wheel load test devices to determine the performance of geosynthetics in pavement applications; however, difference between test methods and lack of certain types of data collected during construction and testing make it difficult to impossible to adequately compare and/or scrutinize the results. Furthermore, lack of quality assurance and quality control data from construction activities makes it difficult to know whether differences in performance are due to construction and testing variabilities or the geosynthetic. Having clear design targets and allowable limits will improve the accuracy, repeatability, and comparability of performance data from these types of tests.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: D35.01

Committee: D35

Staff Manager: Travis Murdock

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 02-21-2024

Technical Contact: Eli Cuelho