Work Item
ASTM WK87647

New Specification for Vanadium and Vanadium Alloy Ingots

1. Scope

This specification covers unalloyed and alloyed vanadium ingots prepared by vacuum- or plasma-arc melting or electron beam melting to produce consolidated metal for processing to various mill shapes.

1.2 The materials covered by this specification are:
1.2.1 Grade 1— Commercial grade unalloyed vanadium
1.2.2 Grade 2— Reactor grade unalloyed vanadium
1.2.3 Grade 3— Reactor grade alloy, V-4Cr-4Ti


Ingot; vanadium


While vanadium is typically used as an alloying element in various Ti, high strength steels, and custom alloys of other elements, e.g., Al, but there are currently no ASTM standards for either ‘pure’ V (reactor grade, commercial grade), or certain V-alloys that have been specified for unique applications, e.g., V-4Cr-4Ti, which is a reference alloy for the ITER fusion reactor. There are potentially other alloys, which I found (see attached). There is a need to have a standard and consistent composition and properties as with any other element or alloy. The VW alloys may be intermediate products for adding to Ti for Ti-alloys.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: B10.03

Committee: B10

Staff Manager: Jennifer Tursi

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 08-23-2023

Technical Contact: Dion Sunderland