Significance and Use
4.1 The objective of this practice is to provide ergonomic design criteria for maritime vessels and structures to ensure that maritime systems and equipment are designed in compliance with requirements for human performance, human workload, health and safety, survivability, and habitability.
4.2 Principles of Human Behavior:
4.2.1 There are basic principles of human behavior that control or influence how each person performs in their workplace. Some of these behaviors are culturally derived, while others are general and uniform across all cultures and geographical regions of the world. These behaviors influence a person’s physical, social, and psychological approach toward the work they do and how safely they do that work. Failure to satisfy these behavioral principles in the design of a ship or maritime structure can encourage, or even coerce, maritime personnel into taking unsafe risks in their everyday activities. It is, therefore, imperative that designers of ships and maritime equipment, systems, and facilities know these principles to provide a safe and efficient workplace for maritime personnel.
4.2.2 These principles include: If the design of the ship or maritime facility is considered to be unsafe or inefficient by the crew, it will be modified by the users, often solving the initial problem but introducing others that may be as bad, or worse, than the original. Equipment design shall be such that it encourages safe use, that is, does not provide hardware and software that can be used in an unsafe manner. If the equipment or system is not designed to operate as the users’ cultural and stereotypical expectations lead them to think that it will operate, the chance for human error is significantly increased. If equipment or systems are perceived by operators/maintainers to be too complex or require more effort to operate or maintain than they believe is necessary, they will always look for a “shortcut.” Further, this “shortcut” may be perceived as being safe when it is not. No amount of training, company or organizational policy, threats of retaliatory action, warning notes in a technical manual or training guide, or pleading with personnel to be safe on the job can overcome poor design that encourages, leads, or even coerces personnel into unsafe acts on the job. The most efficient way to prevent unsafe design from contributing to an accident is to eliminate the unsafe design. Equipment users may not recognize latent hazards in a design. Therefore designers shall identify unsafe features that may not be recognized by users to minimize, or eliminate unsafe tasks, operations and acts. In addition, if hazards exist, the designer should clearly communicate known hazards inherent in processes and procedures to the users. Designers shall consider the possibility for human error and design equipment so that incorrect use (deliberate or accidental) will result in little or no harm to the user. Equipment operators and maintainers will be forced to infer as to what a label, instruction, or operational chart states if it is not complete, legible, readable, and positioned correctly. Designers and engineers shall never use themselves as the standard against which a particular design is evaluated. People come in many shapes, sizes, mental capacities, and capabilities. Therefore, design for the full range of potential users, physically, mentally, and socially. People shall be protected against themselves. Designers cannot create an unsafe piece of equipment or system and expect the users to assume full responsibility for its safe use. Ease of equipment maintenance affects the equipment’s reliability, that is, the harder it is to be maintained, the less it will be maintained. Equipment designed to require multiple operators working together simultaneously increases the likelihood of operator errors. Operational/maintenance procedures shall be clear, definitive, and comprehensive, otherwise, they will be misinterpreted or ignored. Structural items such as piping, cable trays, or any other item that appears strong enough to be used by a person to hold onto or stand on, and is placed in a convenient location to use for that purpose, will eventually be used for that purpose. Users expect consistency in the design and arrangement of their workplace. Therefore, if that workplace, or any part thereof, appears in more than one place in their work environment, it is expected to be located and look the same way at every location. When controls and displays associated with particular pieces of equipment are placed on a console or control panel, they shall be located on that console or panel to replicate the actual location of the equipment on the ship or structure as both are viewed by the operator. Therefore, equipment that is to the operator’s left as he or she faces the control station shall appear on the left of the control panel or console, and equipment to the right shall appear on the right side of the console or panel. This “spatial relationship” between the real world and the controls and displays that are associated with the equipment and systems of that world is extremely important in the design of ships and maritime structures.
4.2.3 Users develop behavioral patterns based on their cultural experiences. Designing a ship or structure that ignores or violate those culturally derived behavior patterns will inevitably increase risks of user error.
4.3 Conflicts—Where conflicts exist between the design criteria contained in this practice and other sources of ergonomic design criteria, this practice should prevail except where the conflicting criteria were produced by a regulatory authority
4.4 Coverage—The design of vessels, structures, systems, subsystems, and equipment shall use the design criteria contained herein to provide the following:
4.4.1 Safe atmospheric conditions including temperature and humidity;
4.4.2 Limits on acoustic noise and vibration that will prevent performance degradation and physiological damage;
4.4.3 Space for personnel, their equipment, and free volume for the movements and activities they are required to perform for operational and maintenance tasks under both normal and emergency conditions;
4.4.4 Physical, visual, auditory, and other communication links between individual personnel and between personnel and their equipment under both normal and emergency conditions;
4.4.5 Efficient arrangement of operation and maintenance workplaces, equipment, structural elements, controls, and displays;
4.4.6 Natural or artificial illumination at levels suitable to perform all operational and maintenance tasks under both normal and emergency conditions;
4.4.7 Safe passageways, hatches, stairs, ladders, walkways, platforms, ramps, and other provisions for ingress, egress, and passage under both normal and emergency conditions;
4.4.8 Provision for protective equipment and clothing, systems, equipment, vessels, and structures that are designed to be operated and maintained by personnel wearing the equipment and clothing;
4.4.9 Compatibility of control/display interfaces with human information processing capability;
4.4.10 Immediate, accurate, and pertinent feedback to the operator of equipment or system performance after each control movement or action taken by the operator;
4.4.11 Designs that satisfy human behavioral needs such as spatial relationships, consistency, homeostasis, and cultural and equipment expectations;
4.4.12 Provision for labels, hazard signage, instructions, and procedures that are clear, concise, and understandable;
4.4.13 Provision for fail-safe designs in those areas in which failure can disable a vital system or cause catastrophic damage to equipment, injury to personnel, or loss of mission capability;
4.4.14 Designs that minimize potential human error incidence in the operation and maintenance of the system, particularly under conditions of stress and designs that ensure that errors, having been committed, can be corrected in time (the design is error tolerant);
4.4.15 Designs that minimize training time and costs and encourage simplicity so as to reduce personnel special skills or innate abilities required to operate or maintain them;
4.4.16 Designs that minimize the adverse impact of ship motion on human performance and health and safety; and
4.4.17 Designs that provide for safe and efficient operation and maintenance by user populations from all geographical regions of the maritime world.
4.5 Standardization—Controls, displays, markings, coding, labeling, and arrangement schemes for equipment and panel layouts shall be uniform for those items or designs that appear more than once on the vessel or structure. Human-machine interfaces shall exhibit common design approaches based on conventions and conformance to operator and maintainer expectations.
4.6 Off-the-Shelf Equipment—One criterion for selecting off-the-shelf commercial or government-furnished equipment should be the degree to which the equipment conforms to the design criteria of this practice. Where off-the-shelf equipment requires modification to interface with other equipment, the modification should be designed to comply with this practice.
4.7 Minimize Personnel—The design objective of the vessel or structure, equipment, systems, and subsystems shall be to reduce the number of personnel involved, especially simultaneously, in completing a particular task. Another design objective shall be to optimize ship or system manning, defined as the minimum number of personnel consistent with human performance, workload and safety requirements, reliability, affordability, and risk constraints.
4.8 Completeness—It is realized that no design guide or practice can cover every design requirement that might occur through the course of a ship or maritime structure’s evolution. It is recognized that there will be occurrences in which a particular design requirement may have to be interpreted from the data that do exist. There may also be occasions in which design criteria may have to be acquired from a source other than this practice. When those occurrences arise, it is important that assistance be provided by trained human factors engineering (HFE) professionals familiar with this, and other, maritime-oriented design guidelines and standards and experienced in the application of these guidelines to the design of ships and maritime structures.
FIG. 1 Control Movement Expectations
1.1 This practice provides ergonomic design criteria from a human-machine perspective for the design and construction of maritime vessels and structures and for equipment, systems, and subsystems contained therein, including vendor-purchased hardware and software.
1.1.1 The focus of these design criteria is on the design and evaluation of human-machine interfaces, including the interfaces between humans on the one side and controls and displays, physical environments, structures, consoles, panels and workstations, layout and arrangement of ship spaces, maintenance workplaces, labels and signage, alarms, computer screens, material handling, valves, and other specific equipment on the other.
1.2 The criteria contained within this practice shall be applied to the design and construction of all hardware and software within a ship or maritime structure that the human crew members come in contact in any manner for operation, habitability, and maintenance purposes.
1.3 Unless otherwise stated in specific provisions of a ship or maritime structure design contract or specification, this practice is to be used to design maritime vessels, structures, equipment, systems, and subsystems to fit the full potential user population range of 5th % females to 95th % males.
1.4 This practice is divided into the following sections and subsections:
Section | Title |
1 | Scope |
2 | Referenced Documents |
3 | Terminology |
4 | Significance and Use |
5 | Controls |
5.1 | Principles of Control Design |
5.2 | General Design Guidelines |
5.3 | Control Movement |
5.4 | Control Spacing |
5.5 | Coding of Controls |
5.6 | Control Use and Design |
6 | Displays |
6.1 | Visual Displays |
6.2 | Location, Orientation, Lighting, and Arrangement of Displays |
6.3 | Display Illumination |
6.4 | Display Types |
6.5 | Audible Displays |
7 | Alarms |
7.1 | General Alarm Requirements |
7.2 | Visual Alarms |
7.3 | Audible Alarms |
7.4 | Voice Messages |
7.5 | Alarm Initiation Stations |
7.6 | Alarm Requirements by IMO |
8 | Integration of Controls, Displays, and Alarms |
8.1 | Principles of Design |
8.2 | Grouping Relationships—Principles of Arrangement |
8.3 | Separating Groupings |
8.4 | Position Relationships of Displays and Alarms |
8.5 | Position Relationships of Controls to Associated Displays and Alarms |
8.6 | Control and Display Movement Relationships |
8.7 | Spatial Relationship Between Controls, Displays, and Equipment |
8.8 | Alternative Approach to Grouping Design |
8.9 | Special Requirements for Control and Display Integration on Bridges |
9 | Anthropometry |
9.1 | General Design Requirements |
9.2 | Static Anthropometric Data |
10 | Workplace Arrangements |
10.1 | Basic Principles of Workplace Design |
10.2 | Seated Workstation |
10.3 | Standing Workstation |
10.4 | Kneeling Workstation |
10.5 | Squatting Workstation |
10.6 | Shelving |
10.7 | Status Boards and File Cabinets |
10.8 | Work Benches |
10.9 | Vertical Strainers and Filters |
10.10 | Reach Limitations at Workstations |
10.11 | Safety Eyewash Fountains and Showers |
10.12 | Pedestal-Mounted Controls and Displays |
10.13 | Hand Cranks and Pumps |
10.14 | Bulkhead-Mounted Equipment |
10.15 | Equipment Racks, Cabinets, and Individual Equipment Spacing |
10.16 | Consoles and Control Panels |
10.17 | Bridge Design |
11 | Access Aids: Stairs, Handrails, Railings, Vertical Ladders, Ramps, Doors, Lightening Holes, Hatches, Kick-Out Panels, Passageways and Walkways, and Work Platforms) |
11.1 | Stairs, Ladders, and Ramps |
11.2 | Stairs |
11.3 | Ramps |
11.4 | Vertical Ladders |
11.5 | Vertical Ladders with Safety Cages |
11.6 | Vertical Ladders with Positive Fall Protection Devices |
11.7 | Special Ladder Requirements |
11.8 | Handle/Hand Grab |
11.9 | Individual Rung Ladders |
11.10 | D-Ring Ladders |
11.11 | Handrails |
11.12 | Walkways, Passageways, and Alternate Means of Personnel Movement |
11.13 | Elevated Work Platforms |
11.14 | Hatches, Manways, Lightening Holes, Inspection Ports, and Kick-Out Panels |
11.15 | Doors and Arches |
11.16 | Permanent Means of Access (PMA) |
12 | Valve Placement, Orientation, and Location |
12.1 | General Design Requirements |
12.2 | Valve Criticality and Location |
12.3 | Valve-Mounting Heights and Orientations: Handwheel Operated |
12.4 | Valve-Mounting Heights and Orientations: Lever-Operated Valves |
12.5 | Alternative Valve Orientations |
12.6 | Valve Manifolds |
13 | Human-Computer Interface |
13.1 | General Design Requirements |
13.2 | System Operations |
13.3 | Computer Displays |
13.4 | Display Content |
13.5 | Display Coding |
13.6 | Dynamic Displays |
13.7 | Display Format |
13.8 | Textual Data Displays |
13.9 | Graphic Displays |
13.10 | Audio Displays |
13.11 | Data Entry |
13.12 | Interactive Control |
13.13 | Graphic Controls |
13.14 | Windows |
13.15 | Menus |
13.16 | Forms |
13.17 | Alarms |
13.18 | Language |
13.19 | Feedback |
13.20 | Prompts |
13.21 | Defaults |
13.22 | Error Management/Data Protection |
13.23 | Data Security |
13.24 | Help |
13.25 | Software |
13.26 | Data Transmission/Messaging |
13.27 | Input Devices |
13.28 | Cursors |
13.29 | Printing |
14 | Habitability |
14.1 | Noise |
14.2 | Indoor Climate |
14.3 | Lighting |
14.4 | Whole-body Vibration and Shock |
15 | Labeling |
15.1 | Design Criteria of Labels |
15.2 | Abbreviations |
15.3 | Symbols |
15.4 | Component Labels on Consoles and Panels |
15.5 | Equipment Identification Labels |
15.6 | Electrical System Labels |
15.7 | Room, Deck Space, and Void Identification Labels |
15.8 | Pipe Marker Labels |
15.9 | Safe Working Load Identification Labels |
15.10 | Load Weight Identification Labels |
15.11 | Hazard Identification Signs |
15.12 | Information Signs |
15.13 | Instruction Labels |
15.14 | Graphical Schematics or Diagrams |
15.15 | Orientation Plans |
15.16 | Emergency Instructions |
16 | Material Handling |
16.1 | Design to Support Manual Material Lifting and Carrying |
16.2 | Weight Lifting |
16.3 | Weight Carrying |
16.4 | Design of Handles and Grasp Areas |
16.5 | Design of Auxiliary Hoisting and Carrying Devices |
16.6 | Hand Trucks and Wheeled Dollies |
16.7 | Crane Design |
17 | Design for Maintenance |
17.1 | General Design Requirements |
17.2 | Maintenance Accessibility |
17.3 | Maintenance Environments |
17.4 | Lubrication |
17.5 | Cases |
17.6 | Covers |
17.7 | Fasteners |
17.8 | Hatches, Manways, Lightening Holes for Maintenance Access |
17.9 | Diagnostics and Troubleshooting |
17.10 | Equipment Modularization |
17.11 | Equipment Mounting and Installation |
17.12 | Standardization |
17.13 | Electrical Wires and Cables |
17.14 | Conductors |
17.15 | Connectors |
17.16 | Test Equipment |
17.17 | Fuses and Circuit Breakers |
17.18 | Hydraulic Systems |
17.19 | Stored Energy Devices |
17.20 | Pipe Flanges, Spools, and Blinds |
17.21 | Test and Sample Points |
18 | Hazards and Safety |
18.1 | Hierarchy of Controls |
18.2 | Safety Labels, Signs, and Excluded Area Markings |
18.3 | General Workplace Hazards |
18.4 | General Equipment-Related Hazards |
18.5 | Electrical Hazards |
18.6 | Mechanical Hazards |
18.7 | Fluid Hazards |
18.8 | Safety Barriers |
18.9 | Fall Protection |
18.10 | Emergency Egress |
19 | Communications |
19.1 | Communication System Requirements |
19.2 | Microphones |
19.3 | Headsets |
19.4 | Loudspeakers |
19.5 | Telephone Systems |
20 | Keywords |
21 | Acknowledgement |
Appendix X1 | Small Boat and High Speed Craft (HSC) Appendix |
Appendix X2 | Human Factors Engineering (HFE) Design Checklist |
Appendix X3 | Guidance for the Selection and Testing of Slip Resistant Walking Surfaces |
Figure | Title |
1 | Control Movement Expectations |
2 | Foot-Operated Switches Design Requirements |
3 | Pedal Location and Design Requirements |
4 | Lateral Spacing for Pedals |
5 | Design Criteria for Discrete Rotary Controls |
6 | Separation Requirements for Discrete Rotary Controls |
7 | Dimension, Resistance, and Separation of Continuous Rotary Controls |
8 | Proper Mounting of Rapidly Operated Cranks |
9 | Dimensions, Resistance, and Separations Required for Cranks |
10 | Design Criteria for Pushbuttons |
11 | Two Types of Legend Switches (Backlit Pushbuttons) |
12 | Size, Displacement, and Resistance for Legend Switches |
13 | Design Requirements for Various Types of Toggle Switches |
14 | Design Requirements for Rocker Switches |
15 | Dimensions, Resistance, and Separation for Discrete Slide Switch Controls |
16 | Dimensions, Resistance, and Separation for Continuous Slide Controls |
17 | Dimensions, Resistance, and Separation for Levers |
18 | Dimensions, Resistance, and Separation for Slide Levers |
19 | Dimensions, Displacement, and Separation of Push-Pull Controls |
20 | Visual Lines of Sight |
21 | Primary and Secondary Fields-of-view |
22 | Design Criteria for Major, Intermediate, and Minor Scale Markings |
23 | Scale Graduation, Pointer Position, and Scale Numbering Alternatives |
24 | Scale Number Placement |
25 | Color and Shape Coding of Ranges on an Analog Display |
26 | Zero Position and Pointer Movement for Circular Dial Displays |
27 | Aligned Pointers for Rapid Check Readings |
28 | Digital Display Design Requirements |
29 | Grouping Controls and Displays by Common Function |
30 | Grouping Controls and Displays by Individual Equipment |
31 | Mirror-Imaged Arrangement of Individual Equipment Control and Display Groupings (Not Recommended) |
32 | Grouping Controls and Displays by Common Equipment |
33 | Grouping Controls and Displays by Sequence of Use |
34 | Grouping with Physical Separation |
35 | Grouping with Boundary Lines and Borders |
36 | Grouping with Colored and Shaded Pads |
37 | Grouping with Sub-panels |
38 | Position of Individual Controls and Associated Displays for Right-handed Operator |
39 | Arrangement of Multiple Rows of Controls and Displays |
40 | Arrangement of Multiple Rows of Displays and a Single Row of Controls |
41 | Positional Relationship between Alarm, Display, and Control |
42 | Positional Relationship between Control Pointer and Status Indicator |
43 | Control and Display Movement Relationship |
44 | Spatial Relationship Between Controls, Displays, and Equipment |
45 | Spatial Relationships Between Equipment and Control Panels |
46 | Spatial Relationships for Redundant Controls and Displays |
47 | Panel Layout That Replicates Location of Equipment in Remote Space |
48 | Mimic of Physical Equipment Functional Layout |
49 | Mimic of Functional Groups Irrespective of Equipment Layout |
50 | Standing Body Dimensions |
51 | Seated Body Dimensions |
52 | Depth and Breadth Dimensions |
53 | Hand and Foot Dimensions |
54 | Gloved Hand Dimensions |
55 | Head Dimensions |
56 | Changes in Levels up to a Maximum of 6 mm (1/4 in.) |
57 | Seated Workspace Dimensions |
58 | Dimensions for a Computer Workstation |
59 | Dimensions for Single or Multiple Personnel at a Table or Other Duty Station Not Requiring a Desk |
60 | Seating at CRT-Type Workstations |
61 | Clearance Behind a Seated Workstation |
62 | Control Mounting Height for Seated Personnel |
63 | Display Mounting Height for Seated Personnel |
64 | Control Mounting Height for Standing Personnel |
65 | Display Mounting Height for Standing Personnel |
66 | Control Mounting Height for a Kneeling Person |
67 | Display Mounting Height for Kneeling Personnel |
68 | Required Dimensions for a Kneeling Worker |
69 | Control Mounting Height for Squatting Personnel |
70 | Display Mounting Heights for Squatting Personnel |
71 | Required Dimensions for a Squatting Worker |
72 | Workplace Dimensions for Shelves with Full Access |
73 | Workplace Dimensions for Shelves Located Above a Cabinet |
74 | Workplace Dimensions for Shelves Requiring Vision Over the Top |
75 | Front Clearance Requirement for Lower Shelves |
76 | Mounting Height of Status Boards |
77 | Clearance in Front of Filing Cabinets |
78 | Workbench Dimensions |
79 | Safe Reach Distances Over an Obstacle or Barrier |
80 | Mounting Heights for Bulkhead-mounted Equipment in Passageways |
81 | Mounting Heights for Common Electrical Fixtures |
82 | Direct Spatial Relationships Between Controls and Equipment |
83 | Spatial Relationship of Fore and Aft Equipment to Controls and Displays on a Console Located Athwartship |
84 | Seated Single-operator Console Dimensions |
85 | Wraparound Seated Console |
86 | Special Width Console |
87 | Multi-tiered Standing Console |
88 | Multi-tiered Seated Console |
89 | Dimensions for Desktop Standing Console |
90 | Cargo and Ballast Transfer Consoles |
91 | Stair Dimensions |
92 | Straight Run Ramp Dimensions |
93 | Ramp with Turning Platform |
94 | Ramp with Switchback Turning Platform |
95 | Vertical Ladder Dimensions |
96 | Dimensions for a Vertical Ladder Arrangement |
97 | Platform/Landing Dimensions for Vertical Ladder Penetration |
98 | Caged Ladder Dimensions |
99 | Cage Shape and Size |
100 | Ladder and Climber Safety Device Dimensions |
101 | Extended Railing for Ladder Fall Protection (Front View) |
102 | Extended Railing for Ladder Fall Protection (Side View) |
103 | Extended Railing and Cage for Ladder Fall Protection (Front View) |
104 | Extended Railing and Cage for Ladder Fall Protection (Side View) |
105 | Handles or Hand Grabs for Use as Ladder Extensions |
106 | Handle for Transition from a Ladder to an Intermediate Platform |
107 | Recommended Design Criteria for Individual Rung Ladders |
108 | Dimensions for D-Ring Ladders |
109 | Fixed Handrail Design |
110 | Removable Handrail Dimensions |
111 | Special Handrail Design Dimensions |
112 | Transition Handrail Dimensions |
113 | Additional Personnel Movement-related Design Features |
114 | Dimensions for Rectangular Access Openings Installed in a Vertical Orientation Requiring a Step to Reach the Opening |
115 | Dimensions for Rectangular, Square, and Round Hatches, Manways, and Lightening Holes |
116 | Dimensions for Lightening Holes |
117 | Access to Vertical Escape Hatches |
118 | Access to Overhead Hatch |
119 | Access into a Cargo Hold Through a Raised Hatch |
120 | Door Placement |
121 | Desirable Upper Limits for Handwheel Torque |
122 | Mounting Heights for Handwheel Valves With Vertical Stems |
123 | Mounting Heights for Handwheel Valves With Horizontal Stems |
124 | Mounting Heights for Handwheel Valves With Angled Stems |
125 | Mounting Heights for Lever-Operated Valves With Vertical Stems |
126 | Mounting Heights for Lever-Operated Valves With Horizontal Stems |
127 | Direction of Travel for Valve Levers Accessible From One Side Only |
128 | Physical Reach from a Stooping or Squatting Position |
129 | Mounting Position for Valve Levers and Handwheels Below Standing Surface |
130 | Orientation and Reach from Ladder Parallel to Valves |
131 | Orientation and Reach from Ladder Perpendicular to Valves |
132 | Operating Valves from a Ladder |
133 | Valve Manifold for Tanks Located Athwartship |
134 | Valve Manifold for Tanks Located Fore and Aft |
135 | Valve Manifold for Fill, High-suction, and Low-suction Valves |
136 | Default Push Button |
137 | Push Button States |
138 | Radio Buttons |
139 | Check Boxes |
140 | Slider Control |
141 | Message Window Design |
142 | Finger-Operated Displacement Joystick Specifications |
143 | Trackball Dimensions, Resistance, and Clearance |
144 | Permissible Noise Exposure Limits |
145 | Large Enclosure Ventilation Requirements |
146 | Surface Reflectance Values |
147 | Health Guidance Zones for Limited Exposures |
148 | Independent Symbols |
149 | Guidelines for Labels on Consoles and Panels |
150 | Control and Control Setting Labels |
151 | Control and Display Group Labels |
152 | Control Setting Labels for Multiple Controls |
153 | Equipment Label Format |
154 | Sensor Label |
155 | Pipe Marker Labels |
156 | Pipe Marker Labels with Two Colors |
157 | Hazard Signal Word Headers |
158 | Examples of Text and Symbol on Signs |
159 | Example of Information Sign |
160 | Handle Dimensions |
161 | Use of Hand Trucks |
162 | Use of Dollies |
163 | Case Orientation |
164 | Access Opening Covers |
165 | Example of Alignment Pins |
166 | Cable Arrangements |
167 | Suggested Cable Arrangement in a Junction Box |
168 | Fluid Line Connection Recommendations |
169 | Areas To Place Items on Bulkhead |
170 | Safety Barriers |
X1.1 | Primary and Secondary Fields of View |
Table | Title |
1 | Recommended Manual Controls |
2 | Control Movement Expectations |
3 | Minimum Spacing Between Two Controls |
4 | Comparison of Displacement and Isometric Controls |
5 | Typical Status Display and Alarm Color Codes for North American Industry |
6 | Character Sizes for Digital Displays |
7 | Functional Evaluation of Types of Audio Signals |
8 | Guidelines for Color Coding of Visual Alarms |
9 | General Recommendations for Sound Loudness and Frequency |
10 | Guidelines for Selecting Audible Alarm Sounds |
11 | Clothing and Postural Effects |
12 | International Geographical Regions for Which Anthropometric Data Are Available |
13 | Standing Height Dimensions—International Population |
14 | Seated Eye Height Dimensions—International Population |
15 | Forward Functional Reach Dimensions—International Population |
16 | Male Anthropometric Data from Four Regions of the World |
17 | Female Anthropometric Data from Four Regions of the World |
18 | Weights for American Adult Females and Males |
19 | Seated Workspace Dimensions |
20 | Dimensions for a Seated Computer Workstation |
21 | Maximum Overhead Extended and Gripping Reach |
22 | Selection of Access Type |
23 | Stair Dimensions |
24 | Stair Widths |
25 | Handrail Arrangements |
26 | Recommended Ramp Angle Inclinations |
27 | Walkway and Passageway Dimensions |
28 | Dimensions for Additional Personnel Movement-related Features |
29 | Access Opening and Mounting Depth Dimensions for Levers and Handwheels Mounted Below the Standing Surface |
30 | System Response Time Limits |
31 | Advantages and Disadvantages of Nonkeyboard Input Devices |
32 | Keyboard Push-button Characteristics |
33 | Pointer Shapes and Associated Functions |
34 | Pointing Device Button Actions |
35 | Limiting Dimensions for Mouse |
36 | Maximum Permissible Noise Levels |
37 | Noise Attenuation from Hearing Protectors |
38 | Lighting Levels for Ships and Maritime Structures |
39 | Maximum Brightness Ratios |
40 | Operational Environment Types |
41 | Examples of Equipment Labels |
42 | Pipe Label Format |
43 | Example Color-Coding Scheme for Vessel/structure Piping |
44 | Chromaticity Coordinates for Color Coding |
45 | Message Text Character Heights |
46 | Design Weight Limits for Lifting |
47 | Design Weight Limits for Carrying |
48 | Limiting Factors |
49 | Seated, Forward Reach (Both Arms) |
50 | Cross-Legged Seated, Forward Reach (Both Arms) |
51 | Standing, Forward Reach (Both Arms) |
52 | Standing, Forward Reach (Preferred Arm) |
53 | Standing, Lateral Reach (Preferred Arm) |
54 | Opening Dimensions for Single-hand Access with Tools |
55 | Opening Dimensions for Single-hand Access without Tools |
56 | Opening Dimensions for Arm Access without Tools |
57 | Opening Dimensions for Two-hand Access |
58 | Thermal Temperature Limits |
59 | Shock Current Intensities and Their Probable Consequences |
60 | Minimum Speech Intelligibility Scores |
X1.1 | Visibility Standards for HSC and Small Boat Application |
X1.2 | Forward Functional Reach Measurements for North American Population |
X2.1 | Human Factors Checklist for Design |
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.