Standard Historical Last Updated: Dec 26, 2012 Track Document
ASTM D5871-11

Standard Specification for Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock

Standard Specification for Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock D5871-11 ASTM|D5871-11|en-US Standard Specification for Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock Standard new BOS Vol. 06.04 Committee D16
$ 73.00 In stock


This specification covers benzene for cyclohexane feedstock. Different tests shall be performed in order to determine the following properties of cyclohexane feedstock: benzene content, sulfur content, thiophene content, toluene plus methylcyclohexane content, methylcyclopentane content, N-hexane content, acid wash color, appearance, color, water content, and solidification point with anhydrous basis.


1.1 This specification covers benzene for cyclohexane feedstock.

1.2 The following applies to all specified limits in this standard: for purposes of determining conformance with this standard, an observed value or a calculated value shall be rounded off to the nearest unit in the last right-hand digit used in expressing the specification limit, in accordance with the rounding-off method of Practice E29.

1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.

1.4 Consult current OSHA regulations supplier's Material Safety Data Sheets for all materials used in this specification.

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Book of Standards Volume: 06.04
Developed by Subcommittee: D16.01
Pages: 2
DOI: 10.1520/D5871-11
ICS Code: 71.040.01; 71.080.01