Standard Historical Last Updated: May 13, 2013 Track Document
ASTM B883-10

Standard Specification for Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Ferrous Materials

Standard Specification for Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Ferrous Materials B0883-10 ASTM|B0883-10|en-US Standard Specification for Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Ferrous Materials Standard new BOS Vol. 02.05 Committee B09
$ 83.00 In stock


This specification covers ferrous metal injection molded (MIM) materials fabricated by mixing elemental or pre-alloyed metal powders with binders, injecting into a mold, debinding, and sintering with or without subsequent heat treatment. These materials are: low-alloy steel produced from admixtures of iron powder and other alloying elements such as nickel and molybdenum (MIM-2200 and MIM-2700); low-alloy steel produced from admixtures of iron powder and other alloying elements such as nickel, molybdenum, and carbon (MIM-4605); austenitic stainless steel produced from pre-alloyed powder or an admixture of powders (MIM-316L); precipitation hardening stainless steel produced from pre-alloyed powder or an admixture of powders (MIM-17-4 PH); and ferritic stainless steel produced from pre-alloyed powder or an admixture of powders (MIM-430L). Chemical analysis shall be performed for the elements copper, chromium, molybdenum, and nickel. The materials shall be subjected to tensile test and unnotched Charpy impact energy test.


1.1 This specification covers ferrous metal injection molded materials fabricated by mixing elemental or pre-alloyed metal powders with binders, injecting into a mold, debinding, and sintering, with or without subsequent heat treatment.

1.2 This specification covers the following injection molded materials.

1.2.1 Compositions: MIM-2200, low-alloy steel MIM-2700, low-alloy steel MIM-4605, low-alloy steel MIM-4140, low-alloy steel MIM-316L, austenitic stainless steel MIM-17-4 PH, precipitation hardening stainless steel MIM-420, ferritic stainless steel MIM-430L, ferritic stainless steel

1.3 Chemical composition limits are specified in Table 1.

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Book of Standards Volume: 02.05
Developed by Subcommittee: B09.11
Pages: 5
DOI: 10.1520/B0883-10
ICS Code: 77.140.80; 77.160