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The ASTM Proficiency Testing Program provides companies with a statistical quality assurance tool that enables them to compare, improve and maintain a high level of performance in the use of ASTM methods for yard and threads with other laboratories worldwide.
Conducted biannually, this program provides (for each test cycle) a hyperlink to record and submit test data, and instructions for conducting the tests.
Test samples include a spool containing 500 yards of a representative yarn/thread. Laboratories are instructed to conduct the tests in their facilities using the ASTM methods cited in the program (or other methods used by the lab) and to record their test results on the interactive form.
For more information, contact us.
This program provides you with:
Each laboratory returns their completed test data to ASTM for use in generating statistical summary reports. Final reports, provided to participants only, contain:
Should you have an issue with your published results, please write to with your lab number and account number.
As a program participant, you will receive a spool containing 500 yards of a representative yarn/thread for testing, electronic interactive web based data report forms and test instructions for each test cycle. Your lab performs the test that you normally conduct within your facility using the specified ASTM program methods. Triplicate determinations by each lab are performed and statistics will be calculated on the average data submitted for each test by program participants.
D1422 | Twist in Single Spun Yards |
D1423 (Test A) | Twist in Single Spun or Filament Yarn |
D1907 | Linear Density |
D2256 | Strength & Elongation Properties
Note: All program test parameters are subject to change but not without prior participant notification. Participation is NOT contingent on the performance of all program tests.
Test samples are prepared and distributed for ASTM International by SGS North America Deer Park, TX. under the Yarn & Thread program. Program fees do not include the cost of shipping the test samples to international participants (see below).
IMPORTANT for International participants: You have the following options for receipt of samples:
Participation is on an annual fee basis and open to all laboratories. Registration fees must be paid in advance to participate. Testing must be performed within the participant.s laboratory facilities. A laboratory does not need to perform all the program tests to participate.
Committee D13 on Textiles, consisting of over 500 members, and developer of over 300 standards, provides the technical direction for the program. Test information generated in the program is utilized by Committee D13 to determine if modifications to ASTM documents or new standards are warranted. Data submitted to Committee D13 from this ASTM-PTP Program are coded to maintain lab confidentiality.