PTP Program

Polypropylene Testing - Both

2024 One Method: $688.00
  • Schedule 1: April/October - ASTM Method
  • Schedule 2: April/October - ISO Method
2024 Annual Fee:
  • Schedule 3: April, October - Both
Sample amount distributed each test cycle: 2 resins - 10 lb each

Reduced Price

A2LA Accredited Symbol

Accredited Proficiency Testing Provider*

This program is accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17043: 2010 Conformity Assessment - General Requirements for Proficiency Testing, by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation. Certificate Number: 4209.01

List of Programs and Scopes

About The Program

ASTM's Proficiency Test Program provides laboratories with a testing program that enables labs to compare, improve, and maintain performance in preparing polypropylene test samples and in conducting mechanical property tests on them.

Conducted biannually, this program provides (for each test cycle) two different polypropylene resins, electronic report forms, and instructions for conducting the tests. Labs are instructed to prepare their samples in accord with specific ASTM and ISO standards. Labs then conduct tests in their facilities using the prepared specimens and the ASTM and ISO methods cited in ASTM D 4101 and ASTM D 5857, and record their test results on the data report forms. Each laboratory returns completed data report forms to ASTM for use in generating statistical summary reports. Published reports contain:

  • Coded laboratory test results
  • Statistical analysis of test data
  • Charts plotting test results versus lab code
  • Other information

Participants are required to utilize molds and molding equipment capable of producing injection molded specimens per ASTM D 4101 and/or ASTM D 5857. Companies with multiple molding machines or laboratories may elect to use one or all of their facilities however, each unit's data will be treated as an individual participant and as an annual subscriber to the testing program.

Samples, test instructions, and electronic report forms are distributed during the last week preceding the testing month. Labs have approximately one month to return test data to ASTM with final summary reports sent to participants approximately one month following receipt of test data.

For more information, contact us.

Test Materials

Two 10lb packages of each sample type will be used in the program for each test cycle

Test Parameters


Test for Izod Impact Resistance (Notched Specimens)


Tensile Properties of Plastics


Test for Deflection Temperature Under Load


Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials


Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer


Determination of Xylene Solubles


Color Determination of Plastic Pellets: Yellowness Index


Determination of Molecular Weight Distribution and Molecular Weight Averages

ISO 75–1 & 2

Test for Temperature of Deflection Under Load

ISO 178

Determination of Flexural Properties of Rigid Plastics

ISO 179–1

Test for Charpy Impact Resistance (Notched Impact)

ISO 527–2

Tensile Properties of Plastics

ISO 1133

Determination of Melt-Flow Rate

ISO 16014

Determination of Molecular Weight Distribution and Molecular Weight Averages Part 1 and Part 4

ISO 16152

Xylene Solubles

Why Should Your Laboratory Participate

You receive test results, available only to participating laboratories that will help you:

  • Periodically compare your test results and calculated statistical parameters with other laboratories in the plastics testing community
  • Examine data from the same testing program for both ASTM and ISO methods
  • Acquire a useful quality control tool to monitor the strengths and weaknesses of laboratory testing

Should you have an issue with your published results, please write to with your lab number and account number.

Distribution Of Samples

Test samples are prepared and distributed for ASTM International by Clark Labs in Jefferson Hills, PA.

IMPORTANT for International participants: You have the following options for receipt of samples:

  • Ship through a third party shipping agent - Provide ASTM International with the complete contact information of a designated Shipping Agent located in the U.S. who will be responsible for shipping samples from the U.S. to your facility. Participants are responsible for making financial and shipping arrangements directly with the shipping agent.
    • Please be advised that when samples are shipped, an e-mail is sent only to the contact of record on your ASTM PTP account. It is the customer’s responsibility to advise their designated shipper that the sample has been shipped.
    • We cannot permit shipping agents to pick up samples at our distributors’ warehouses.
  • Ship directly from the sample distributor via UPS, DHL, or FEDEX - Provide ASTM International with your shipping account number to cover shipping charges. Check that your carrier will deliver the test materials to your location. Materials classified as Hazardous may have restrictions.Generic SDS

Program Requirements

Participation is on an anual fee basis and open to all laboratories. Registratin fees must be paid in advance to participate. Testing must be performed within the participant's laboratory facilities. A laboratory does not need to perform all the program tests to participate.

About Astm International Committee D20 On Plastics

Committee D20 on Plastics has 750 members and is a developer of 470 standards. The Committee provides the technical direction for the program. Test information generated through the program is utilized by Committee D20 to determine if modifications to the ASTM test methods are warranted.

Committee D20 is coded by ASTM to maintain confidentiality.