PTP Program

Knit Fabrics

2024 Annual Fee:

Schedule: June, December
Sample amount distributed each test cycle: 3 - 3yds

Reduced Price

A2LA Accredited Symbol

Accredited Proficiency Testing Provider*

This program is accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17043: 2010 Conformity Assessment - General Requirements for Proficiency Testing, by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation. Certificate Number: 4209.01

List of Programs and Scopes

About The Program

ASTM's Proficiency Test Program for Knit Fabrics provides participating laboratories with a statistical quality assurance (SQA) tool, enabling them to compare their performance in the use of ASTM methods for knit fabrics against other laboratories worldwide.

Conducted biannually, this program provides (for each test cycle) three test samples, a hyperlink to record and submit test data, and instructions for conducting the tests.

Test samples include three types of knit fabrics. Laboratories are instructed to conduct the tests in their facilities using the ASTM methods cited in the program (or other methods used by the lab) and to record their test results on the interactive form.

Each laboratory electronically submits their test data to ASTM for use in generating statistical summary reports. ASTM handles all data on a strictly confidential basis with no disclosure of lab identity except for one's own laboratory. Final reports contain all laboratory test data (coded), statistical analysis of test data, charts plotting test results versus lab code, and other information.

For more information, contact us.

Test Parameters


Stretch Properties of Knitted Fabrics Having Low Power


Width of Textile Fabric


Mass Per Unit Area (Weight) of Fabric


Bursting Strength of Textiles Fabrics – Diaphragm Bursting Strength Tester Method


Standard Test Method for Wale and Course Count of Weft Knitted Fabrics


Dimensional Changes of Fabrics after Home Laundering


Skew Change in Fabrics After Home Laundering

Participation does not require performance of all tests.

Distribution Of Samples

Test samples are prepared and distributed for ASTM International by WKF America in WFK America/ Phoenix Business Solutions, LLC in Rock Hill, SC in under the Knit Fabrics program. Program fees do not include the cost of shipping the test samples to international participants (see below).

IMPORTANT for International participants: You have the following options for receipt of samples:

  • Ship through a third party shipping agent - Provide ASTM International with the complete contact information of a designated Shipping Agent located in the U.S. who will be responsible for shipping samples from the U.S. to your facility. Participants are responsible for making financial and shipping arrangements directly with the shipping agent.
    • Please be advised that when samples are shipped, an e-mail is sent only to the contact of record on your ASTM PTP account. It is the customer’s responsibility to advise their designated shipper that the sample has been shipped.
    • We cannot permit shipping agents to pick up samples at our distributors’ warehouses.
  • Ship directly from the sample distributor via UPS, DHL, or FEDEX - Provide ASTM International with your shipping account number to cover shipping charges. Check that your carrier will deliver the test materials to your location. Materials classified as Hazardous may have restrictions.
    • You are responsible for additional fees charged-back to our distributor for any reason relative to your sample shipment including, but not limited to, fees for fuel surcharges, missing/invalid account numbers, dangerous goods, remote area delivery, and multiple delivery attempts.

Why Should Your Laboratory Participate?

This program provides you with:

  • The resources you need to satisfy proficiency testing elements of laboratory accreditation
  • A useful quality control tool to monitor the strengths and weaknesses of laboratory performance
  • Periodic comparison of test results and calculated statistical parameters with others in the textiles testing community worldwide
  • A useful quality reference sample upon completion of testing

Each laboratory returns their completed test data to ASTM for use in generating statistical summary reports. Final reports, provided to participants only, contain:

  • Each participating laboratory's test results (coded)
  • Statistical analysis of test data
  • Charts plotting test results versus laboratory code
  • Other pertinent information

Should you have an issue with your published results, please write to with your lab number and account number.

Test Materials

Three fabric types containing three yards each are used in the program for each test cycle.

Program Requirements

Participation is on an annual fee basis and open to all laboratories. Registration fees must be paid in advance to participate. Testing must be performed within the participant's laboratory facilities. A laboratory does not need to perform all the program tests to participate.

About Astm Committee D13

Committee D13 on Textiles, consisting of over 500 members, and developer of over 300 standards, provides the technical direction for the program. Test information generated in the program is utilized by Committee D13 to determine if modifications to ASTM documents or new standards are warranted.