Work Item
ASTM WK89453

Revision of D7899-19 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Merit of Dispersancy of In-Service Engine Oils with Blotter Spot Method


This standard is due for its 5-year review.
During the review it was identified some minor modifications to be applied :
- update terminology section following the current ASTM Form and Style requirements, including reference to D4175.
- Correct wrong cross-section reference in section 8
- Add rounding rule in sections and 10.9.6


Developed by Subcommittee: D02.96.02

Committee: D02

Staff Manager: Alyson Fick

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 01-29-2024

Technical Contact: Igor Borissov

Item: 001

Ballot: D02.96 (24-01)

Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution