Work Item
ASTM WK89373

Revision of C1716/C1716M-23 Standard Specification for Compression Testing Machine Requirements for Concrete Masonry Units, Related Units, and Prisms


In a previous ballot, a commenter suggested that the information in 4.10.5 that references Figs A1.3 – A1.5
would be more helpful to the reader if it was moved to earlier in the standard. The task group supported this
argument, and determined that the information would be more appropriate as a Note instead of being in the
body of the standard because it was explanatory in nature.
This ballot item proposes to delete 4.10.5 and to move the information into a new Note 12 directly after


Developed by Subcommittee: C15.04

Committee: C15

Staff Manager: Krista Robbins

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 01-24-2024

Technical Contact: Ray Henderson

Item: 000

