Work Item
ASTM WK88924

New Terminology for GMP Bookend Phases: Forecast Phase and Research/Analysis Phase

1. Scope

Prior to the Planning Phase in the Goods Movement Process, a Forecast Phase exist. And, after the completion of the Goods Movement Process, there is a Research/Analysis Phase. These two bookend phases and their milestone steps will be defined in this work item.


predict; project; research phase; analysis phase; forecast phase; structure; anonymize


Based from defined items in WK87321 related to the Goods Movement Process, it has been determined that the vendor selection and forecasting as well as anonymized transaction research be clearly defined to support the adoption of WK87321 terms. Future work items may be created to define events between these and enlist the Forecast and Research/Analysis Phase.

Are you an interested Subject Matter Expert willing to contribute to this work item? Please contact Subcommittee Chair Michael Darden at

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The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F49.01

Committee: F49

Staff Manager: Jennifer Tursi

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 12-08-2023

Technical Contact: Michael Darden

Item: 000

