Work Item
ASTM WK88159

Revision of D1322-22 Standard Test Method for Smoke Point of Kerosene and Aviation Turbine Fuel


This ballot proposes adding a reference to Terminology D4175 to Sections 2 and 3 for terminology.

ASTM Form & Style, Section A7.2.5 reads: Referencing Terminology Standard—
If the terminology applicable to the standard is included in a terminology standard, cite the applicable terminology standard. Example follows:

3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 For definitions of terms used in this test method, refer to Terminology [D4175].

The motion to ballot was approved during the June 2023 ASTM meetings in Denver.

This ASTM Standard D1322-19 has previously been deemed to be technically equivalent to IP 598/18. This ballot is unilaterally initiated by ASTM. It is not expected to affect the technical equivalency of the method. To obtain the latest technical equivalency assessment report (if not included with the ballot) or complete version of either test method for review, contact ASTM D02 Staff Manager. If during your review of the ballot item you disagree with the effect of this ballot item on the technical equivalency as claimed, please include that reasoning. Should this ballot pass through the ASTM consensus process, and the deemed technical equivalency is affected, the Energy Institute will need to introduce a similar ballot within 180 days of the ASTM ballot completion to maintain technical equivalence


Developed by Subcommittee: D02.J0.03

Committee: D02

Staff Manager: Alyson Fick

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 10-16-2023

Technical Contact: Kevin Bower