Work Item
ASTM WK87678

Revision of E2921-22 Standard Practice for Minimum Criteria for Comparing Whole Building Life Cycle Assessments for Use with Building Codes, Standards, and Rating Systems


Rationale: While LCA data regarding MEP systems has traditionally lagged behind building
structure and envelope, there is increased interest in whole building LCA that includes this
information. This proposed change clarifies that electrical, mechanical, and plumbing
equipment, controls, fixtures, fire detection, alarm systems, elevators, are permitted to be included in the whole building LCA.

The first ballot received several negatives due to formatting issues of the ballot and concern over the use of the term “may” being utilized in a standard practice (permissive language). This revision uses existing language contained within the document that satisfies the requirements of a standard practice. Additionally, there were some ballots that pointed out that Note 4 is duplicative with Section 6.3.3, and therefore should be deleted. In-person feedback from the October meeting in Washington, D.C. was also considered. These revisions have been included in this ballot.


Developed by Subcommittee: E60.01

Committee: E60

Staff Manager: Kristy Straiton

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 08-28-2023

Technical Contact: Matthew Hunter

Item: 001

Ballot: E60.01 (23-02)

Status: Will Reballot Item