Work Item
ASTM WK87421

Revision of E18-22 Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials


ABMA 10-1989 has been withdrawn. Currently, ABMA has three ball standards:
1. ABMA 10A (current revision: 2001, reaffirmed in 2015): Metal Balls for Unground Bearings and other uses.
2. ABMA ISO 3290-1 (current revision: 2014): Steel balls for Rolling Bearings.
3. ABMA ISO 3290-2 (current revision: 2014): Ceramic balls for Rolling Bearings.
ASTM E18-22 Section A3.4.3.3 includes a note that mentions ABMA Grade 24. According to this section, the diameter of Class A balls, when measured at a minimum of three positions, shall not deviate from the nominal diameter by more than .000040". However, ASTM F2215-15 Grade 24 specifies a stricter requirement, demanding balls to have a tolerance of .000024" or better. This requirement is more stringent than the .000040" specified in ASTM E18-22 Section A3.4.3. Moreover, ASTM F2215-15 Grade 24 aligns with the previous requirement stated in ABMA 10-1989. Therefore, I propose replacing ABMA 10-1989 Grade with 24 ASTM F2215 Grade 24.


Developed by Subcommittee: E28.06

Committee: E28

Staff Manager: Ashley Wiand

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 08-09-2023

Technical Contact: Abdulkadir Bilgin

Item: 000

