Work Item
ASTM WK87354

Revision of C1550-20 Standard Test Method for Flexural Toughness of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (Using Centrally Loaded Round Panel)


This ballot contains one item. The basis for the proposed change is that some users of ASTM C1550 have encountered confusion about whether a panel shall be discarded without testing or discarded after testing in the event of specimen dimensions exceeding limits. The confusion stems from the fact that diameter is measured BEFORE testing and thickness is measured AFTER testing at representative points along the radial cracks generated during testing. The existing text in 7.1, related to specimen preparation, implies that the specimen thickness is required to be measured before testing. As stated in 9.2, diameter is measured before testing and if the limits are exceeded, the specimen is discarded. However, in accordance with 9.5, thickness is measured at several representative points along the radial cracks only after testing. If the mean or standard deviation in thickness exceeds the prescribed limits, test results are discarded. The changes to 7.1 and 9.5 are intended to clarify these instructions.


Developed by Subcommittee: C09.42

Committee: C09

Staff Manager: W Scott Orthey

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 08-04-2023

Technical Contact: Stefan Bernard

Item: 001

Ballot: C09.42 (23-03)

Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution