Work Item
ASTM WK87097

Revision of C138/C138M-17a Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete


A new business item was presented during the June 2023 Subcommittee meeting to address a vote on ballot C09.60 (23-01) Item 002. That ballot item revised the standard language from the ASTM Form & Style Manual in section 1.3 to reflect that notes and footnotes are nonmandatory. During that ballot it was presented that Note 6 included language that could be interpreted by an inspector as a mandatory requirement. The subcommittee reviewed that item and determined that alternative language should be presented to address the language in Note 6 to more appropriately meet the intent of Section 1.3.


Developed by Subcommittee: C09.60

Committee: C09

Staff Manager: W Scott Orthey

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 07-11-2023

Technical Contact: Lee Thrasher

Item: 000

