Work Item
ASTM WK85899

New Test Method for Determining Fire Propagation of Exterior Wall Assemblies Using a Direct Flame Impingement Exposure

1. Scope

This fire-test-response standard prescribes a method to assess the fire propagation performance of a vertically oriented specimen exposed to direct flame impingement in a simulated external fire exposure, such as those encountered in a ‘Wildland Urban Interface’ scenario. This test method provides data suitable for comparing the performance of materials, which are used as the exposed surfaces of exterior walls in construction applications.


flame spread; flame propagation


This standard test method will provide additional information regarding the performance nominally combustible cladding materials once ignited by an exterior source (in this case, a flame impingement exposure).

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: E05.14

Committee: E05

Staff Manager: Kevin Shanahan

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 04-10-2023

Technical Contact: Dwayne Sloan

Item: 001

Ballot: E05.14 (23-02)

Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution