Work Item
ASTM WK85711

Revision of E1820-23 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness


An inconsistency regarding the proportions of alternative specimens between sections 7.3, A1.1.2, A2.1.2, and A3.1.2 of E1820-23 has been identified. Specifically:
• For SE(B) specimens, sections 7.3 and A1.1.2 mention ratios 1 ? W/B ? 4 for alternative specimens.
• For C(T) and DC(T) specimens, section 7.3, A2.1.2 (compact tension), and A3.1.2 (disk-shaped compact tension) mention ratios 2 ? W/B ? 4 for alternative specimens.
However, the last sentence in section 7.3 states “However, any thickness can be used as long as the qualification requirements are met.” It is proposed to remove this latter sentence, so that the ranges of W/B for alternative specimens can be considered mandatory. Revisions below are indicated by Track Changes.


Developed by Subcommittee: E08.07

Committee: E08

Staff Manager: Brian Milewski

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 03-21-2023

Technical Contact: Enrico Lucon