Work Item
ASTM WK84807

New Guide for New spatial and color appearance attributes of gonioapparent materials

1. Scope

understand the complexity of visual appearance of gonio-apparent materials: color, gloss, visual texture (sparkle, graininess), etc.


multi-angle spectrophotometer, multi-angle imaging colorimeter, color, sparkle, graininess,; metallic flake, pearlescent flake, diffractive flake, detection, scaling, discrimination, tolerance; indicatrix, specular peak, scattering phase function, anisotropy factor, flake disorientation statistics; total visual appearance difference; BRDF, BSSRDF; measurement geometries, visual and instrumental correlation


Establish the optical and visual principles of measuring gonio-apparent colors, with special focus on the new spatial and color appearance atrributes for better qualiy controls for industry, as for instance for sparkle and graininess.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: E12.12

Committee: E12

Staff Manager: Jamie Huffnagle

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 01-13-2023

Technical Contact: Francisco Verdu

Item: 000

