Work Item
ASTM WK83679

Revision of F2376-22 Standard Practice for Classification, Design, Manufacture, Construction, and Operation of Water Slide Systems


This ballot looks to amend the format of all units to SI (metric) within the F2376 standard to meet the Form and Style Guide. This ballot does not look to determine the validity or correctness of any value already written in the standard. Please reference Part H and Annex A of the form and style guide. This can be found at

Conversions and significant digits of all values follow guidance found in IEEE/ASTM SI-10 American National Standard for Metric Practice Annex B, as referenced in the Form and Style Guide Part H. For newly added conversions in parentheses, the precision of the as written standard value was utilized for the new conversion’s significant digits. For existing conversions, the significant digits were corrected to match the more conservative precision of either the standard value or the non-standard value. 

For Example: 
Existing: 25 ft/s – as written standard value with 2 significant digits
New conversion: 7.6 m/s (25 ft/s) – matches significant digits of as written standard value.
Existing: 5.0 m (16.4 ft) – 16.4 ft is more precise with 3 significant digits
Corrected conversion: 5.00 m (16.4 ft) - both with 3 significant digits

This item only ballots changes as listed below. Blue is to be added. Red is deleted.


Developed by Subcommittee: F24.70

Committee: F24

Staff Manager: Katerina Koperna

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 10-06-2022

Technical Contact: Tyler Jaegers

Item: 000

