Work Item
ASTM WK83523

Revision of B1003-16 Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube for Linesets


A) A solid quality control system has to rely as a very first step on tracking and traceability up to the maximum practical extent.
B) An "anonymous" good does not assure Customer and Contractors for quality and product liability and does not even protect the manufacturer.
C) Establishing solid product liability is crucial while industry is moving towards the application of hazardous and flammable refrigerants.
D) ASTM B1003 is specific standard for linesets. Provided the main field of linesets application, it is

n ground within the industry.
E) in line with point D, it has been approved on June 20th, 2022 an amendment to UL 207 which includes ASTM B1003-16 as a potential compliance option, as long as the tubing produced as per
ASTM B1003-16 is permanently marked. This additional condition has been addressed only to ASTM
B1003-16 , which has been deemed displaying such gap to be filled.


Developed by Subcommittee: B05.04

Committee: B05

Staff Manager: Jennifer Rodgers

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 09-21-2022

Technical Contact: Charles Blanton

Item: 002

Ballot: B05.04 (22-05)

Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution