Work Item
ASTM WK82536

New Practice for Determining the Impact of an Asphalt Additive on Unaged Asphalt Binder Rheology using Dynamic Shear Rheometer

1. Scope

This practice covers test methods and equations for calculating percent change between two laboratory blended asphalt binder samples, typically a neat asphalt binder and an asphalt binder blended with an additive material. The percent change can be used to identify a dosage level of additive which yields an Agency accepted asphalt binder G*/sin delta property range. This calculation is based on G*/sin delta values using laboratory blended unaged asphalt binder. The intent of the standard practice is to conduct a relatively quick evaluation of the percent change between pre-blended and post-blended asphalt binder samples.


Additives, Modifiers, Asphalt Binder, Dynamic Shear Rheometer, DSR


Identifying the change in an asphalt binder’s physical property, G*/sin delta, kPa, resulting from an asphalt additive may be useful to determine additive dosage range and when additional testing is needed for compliance. Additives, at the intended quantity, that alter an asphalt binder’s physical properties outside an acceptable range may negatively impact mix performance. This method was developed using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR).

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: D04.44

Committee: D04

Staff Manager: Ashley Wiand

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 06-29-2022

Technical Contact: Richard Steger

Item: 001

Ballot: D04.44 (22-04)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 001

Ballot: D04.44 (23-01)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 009

Ballot: D04 (24-01)

Status: Will Reballot Item