Journal Published Online: 01 July 2003
Volume 48, Issue 4

Predicting Mouth Width from Inter-Canine Width—A 75% Rule



It has been suggested that inter-canine width plus 57% of the cumulative distance between the lateral aspect of the canines and the pupil centers can be used to estimate mouth width (1). Evidence also suggests that the distance between the medial irises approximates actual mouth width fairly well (1). However, these soft tissue prediction guidelines are limited because they rely on accurate medio-lateral positioning of the pupils within the orbits, for which no systematic empirical evidence appears to exist at this stage. It would, therefore, be more appropriate to use only known hard tissue landmarks in mouth width prediction. This study reports the results of using inter-canine width as a percentage of mouth width for its prediction. This method seems favorable in comparison to the other guidelines because it is as accurate, uses known hard tissue landmarks, and does not rely on assumptions concerning pupil location. Estimating mouth width by using the canines alone, therefore, seems the best guideline to use in facial approximation techniques, at least given knowledge existing at this stage.

Author Information

Stephan, CN
The University of Adelaide, Australia
Henneberg, M
The University of Adelaide, Australia
Pages: 3
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JFS2002418
ISSN: 0022-1198
DOI: 10.1520/JFS2002418