Journal Published Online: 01 July 1975
Volume 20, Issue 3

Differentiation of Bullets by Spark Source Mass Spectrometry



Matching of evidence bullets with a particular suspect is most frequently accomplished by comparing the striations on the evidence bullets with those on test bullets fired from the suspect's gun. This method cannot be used, of course, when the striations are obliterated or when the gun is not available for test-firing. In this case, if unspent bullets are found in possession of the suspect, they may be chemically compared with the evidence bullets. Identical elemental composition is usually taken as evidence that the bullets may have the same origin; that is, they may have come from the same box or lot.

Author Information

Haney, MA
FBI Laboratory, Washington, D.C.
Gallagher, JF
FBI Laboratory, Washington, D.C.
Pages: 17
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JFS10294J
ISSN: 0022-1198
DOI: 10.1520/JFS10294J