Work Item
ASTM WK87553

New Test Method for the Determination of Wire Corrosion and Oxidation from Fluids in Liquid and Vapor States Within an Electrically Charged or Mechanical System

1. Scope

This procedure covers the basic operation of the Wire Corrosion Test, which is used to monitor the corrosiveness of the test fluid by monitoring changes in resistance in the wires under test. The change in resistance is proportional to the change in diameter of the wire. The wire may be copper or other material where corrosion is of concern. The general test represents the degree of protection an oil has on the bare copper connective wire, or other conductive material, in automatic transmission gearbox systems or other industry applications. The test equipment has been adapted to collect both solution corrosion data and vapor corrosion data, simulating effects on the copper containing components in a gearbox, engine or other application where the materials is subject to immersion in a fluid and potentially having a vapor state. Testing temperatures within temperatures from ambient to 180 °C for periods of up to 72 hours or more.


Corrosion; oxidation; Copper; Wire; EV; Electric; Vapor


EV industry is having corrosion failures.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: D02.09

Committee: D02

Staff Manager: Alyson Fick

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 08-18-2023

Technical Contact: Gregory Miiller

Item: 000

