The document concerns coating plain and deformed reinforcement bars with a zinc-rich coating that provides cathodic protection.
zinc; zinc-rich; cathodic protection; reinforcement; rebar; galvanic protection; steel bars; reinforcement bar; PGP; coating requirements
There is not currently a standard that covers coating steel reinforcing bars with zinc-rich coatings and, specifically, those that provide cathodic protection. This standard would be used to specify these types of products (zinc-rich paints with cathodic protection) to provide corrosion protection on steel reinforcing bars. The users could include bridge owners, transportation agencies, and structural and other specifying engineers. Products that meet this candidate standard specification are and have been applied in various domains (e.g. bridges, large infrastructures) across many areas in the world.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 01-26-2024
Technical Contact: Wim Van Cappellen
Item: 003
Ballot: A01.05 (24-03)
Status: Will Reballot Item