1.1 This specification covers the manufacturing requirements for circular concrete pipe that is intended to be installed using Microtunneling techniques. The typical use of this type of pipe is for the conveyance of sewage, industrial wastes, storm water, utilities, or personnel.
1.2 The requirements of this specification are intended to supplement the existing manufacturing standards for precast concrete pipe and provide the additional manufacturing details required for pipe that will be installed using Microtunneling techniques. The parent manufacturing standard for the concrete pipe is denoted as the “designated concrete pipe manufacturing standard” throughout this document. The requirements included within shall supplement the designated concrete pipe manufacturing standard when the concrete pipe is to be used for Microtunnelling.
circular pipe; culvert; D-load; pipe; reinforced concrete; sewer pipe; storm drain, micro-tunnelling
Trenchless methods of installing concrete pipe present their own unique challenges and thus require a pipe that addresses the critical elements of this type of installation. Based on previous ballots on the subcommittee level, it was decided to develop two separate standards; one for jacking pipe and one for microtunnelling pipe. This proposed standard is to address microtunnelling pipe.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 01-23-2024
Technical Contact: Corey Haeder