During a prior ballot for section, many voters provide comments and requested that the task group modify
On an approved ballot that will be posted in F2959-24 the following was approved. Restraints shall be designed to prevent a patron from slipping out of the restraint during the intended use.
Section 3 (a) is being added to have the designer/engineer address the anticipated patrons. It is not the intention of F2959 to require an Aerial Adventure Course to be designed or applicable for all patron size. Many courses have limitations on the patrons. The designer/engineer should specify PSE for the range of patron that will be allowed to use the course. Incorrectly used PSE can cause injuries to patrons. The task group believes the proposed changes will improve F2959.
Section (4) will be changed to 3 (b). Commentors felt like it should be a sub-bullet as this reads better. The task group believes the proposed changes will improve F2959.
If you do not understand any of the proposed changes or feel a need to vote Negative on this ballot, please contact me before, as many times a conversation can provide the needed clarity and eliminate the need for a Negative vote. I can be reached as follows: Brian Lenihan at bpl@clarkcountynv.gov
The Task Group on Aerial Adventures Courses is committed to making Aerial Adventure Courses safe for all patrons and thank you in advance for your time in reviewing these important changes to F2959.
Date Initiated: 12-04-2023
Technical Contact: Brian Lenihan
Item: 000