Work Item
ASTM WK88806

New Test Method for Standard Test Method for Measuring the Water Content in Fresh Concrete by Rapid Evaporation

1. Scope

This test method covers the determination of the total water content of a fresh mortar, grout, or concrete sample by calculating the change in mass of the sample after controlled rapid evaporation.


Total water content; water to cementitious materials ratio; furnace; heat resistant plate; pan fork


This test is being used for lab and field testing by fourteen different organizations including DOTs, ready mix producers, contractors, and universities (Minnesota DOT, Oklahoma DOT, Utah DOT, Kansas DOT, Ready Mix Producers in Oklahoma and Utah, Four contractors, and three Universities). The equipment needed to complete the test is commercially available. Three peer reviewed journal papers have been published over the test. The test has been used in commercial, industrial, and transportation projects and there is international interest in using the test. A standard test method is needed to ensure that the test is run accurately and consistently.
This test method describes a way to measure the total water content and calculate the w/cm of a concrete mixture. A rigid mold of a fixed volume is used. The mass of the mold is measured before, after filling, and after emptying the concrete sample. Water is evaporated from the fresh concrete with an oven. The change in mass is an indication of the water content of the concrete and information from the concrete mixture is used to calculate the water to cement ratio.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: C09.60

Committee: C09

Staff Manager: W Scott Orthey

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 12-04-2023

Technical Contact: Tyler Ley

Item: 000

