Work Item
ASTM WK88298

New Specification for Standard Thermoplastic Crate Systems for Stormwater Retention and Detention Systems

1. Scope

This standard will provide manufacturing and testing requirements for modular square or rectangular thermoplastic units used for the storage/detention of stormwater. These structures will be used to mitigate the impacts of water runoff from a storm's peak flows.


Boxes, cisterns, water storage.


New retention/detention systems have been developed and used that are based on these types of modular thermoplastic systems. There are, however, no standardized methods for ensuring uniform performance of these units. This standard will provide a means for evaluating different configurations so such evaluations can be made.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F17.65

Committee: F17

Staff Manager: Kevin Shanahan

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 10-31-2023

Technical Contact: John Kurdziel