Work Item
ASTM WK87998

Revision of C1677-11a(2017) Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Box, Using Rubber Gaskets


The current language is inconsistent with other standard specifications in the industry. The current language in sections 6.1.5 is not mathematically feasible utilizing full joint tolerance without adding unspecified and unverified assumptions using standard joints and gaskets from the industry today. To meet the mathematical requirements as they are called out, using full tolerances, the recommended gaskets would need to increase in size and could cause excessive deformation that could lead to concrete failure. The current verbiage, in relation to joint tolerance, is not stated properly and can cause confusion in terms of application. The current language in this specification needs to be updated to provide consistent verbiage used in specifications across the industry.


Developed by Subcommittee: C13.08

Committee: C13

Staff Manager: Jimmy Farrell

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 09-27-2023

Technical Contact: Jim Gamble

Item: 000

