This test method provides a procedure for analyzing the concentration of terpenoids in Cannabis sativa L. plant materials using headspace-gas chromatography (HS-GC). The method is independent of detector type, acknowledging that both mass spectrometers (MS) and flame ionization detectors (FID) are suitable and commonly used for this type of analysis. This test method outlines procedures for the preparation of calibration and quality control standards, preparation of samples, and parameters necessary for effective headspace sampling and chromatographic separation. Consideration of method adjustments for use of either MS or FID detection is included.
terpenoids; terpenes; cannabis; hemp; plant; headspace; gas chromatography; analysis
Cannabis profiling has become a prevalent ask of analytical chemistry labs. Focus on standardization has been on cannabinoid profiles, yet terpenoids greatly influence the sensory experience and effects of cannabis products. Some regulatory bodies require profiling of key terpenoids in cannabis material, ingredients, and products. To our knowledge, there is no standardized analytical method available for terpenoid identification. Analytical labs have internally developed methods which may produce different results for same analytes. A standard test method would be beneficial to the industry to standardized test data, enable data comparison across labs and jurisdictions, and assist organizations implementing analysis of these compounds.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 08-09-2023
Technical Contact: Lyn Kogler