This subcommittee ballot contains one item. The basis for the proposed change of text within the standard is that some users of ASTM C1550 have encountered confusion about whether a panel shall be discarded without testing or after testing in the event of specimen dimensions exceeding limits. The text in Section 7.1 implies that the thickness of a specimen is required to be measured before testing. This is not only difficult to implement, but the thickness of the specimen along radial cracks (which can only be known after a test is completed) is more relevant to correction of results than at some other location. It is therefore preferable to discard the test result if dimensions exceed limits rather than not test the specimen. The changes to Sections 9.2 and 9.5 are intended to corroborate this instruction.
Date Initiated: 08-04-2023
Technical Contact: Stefan Bernard
Item: 001
Ballot: C09.42 (23-03)
Status: In Balloting