Work Item
ASTM WK86189

New Practice for a Split Force Measurement Apparatus to Support Grasp-Type End-Effector Performance Tests

1. Scope

The split force measurement apparatus (SFMA) can be used to support force measurements in several ASTM Test Methods for Grrasp-Type Robot End-Effectors. The SFMA design consists of three dimensional (3D) printed geometry halves that slide onto each plate of the load cell plate assembly. This modular design allows for different geometry sizes to be used with the same load cell plate assembly where varying size is used to create a spread of performance results. The apparatus uses two different geometries; (1) a cylindrical design supports power grasp force measurements, and (2) a rectilinear design supports precision grasp force measurements. This document provides guidance on the design and use or the SFMA.


Grasp, End-Effector, Robot, Force


This new practice supports the design and use of the Split Force Measurement Apparatus (SFMA) a test apparatus that supports several planned ASTM Test Methods for Grasp-Type Robot End-Effectors including Work Item 83863; Standard Test Method for Grasp-Type Robot End-Effectors: Grasp Strength Performance.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F45.05

Committee: F45

Staff Manager: Nora Nimmerichter

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 05-02-2023

Technical Contact: Joseph Falco

Item: 000

