This guide will provide laboratories with recommendations regarding how to handle data that is out-of-specification. Additionally, the guide will have recommendations for retesting requirements. Finally, the document will provide guidance regarding the actions that laboratories should take that relate directly to OOS data and retesting.
OOS; Retesting; Cannabis/Hemp Testing; Data Validation; Good Laboratory Practices
The rationale for the creation of this document stems from laboratories unnecessarily rerunning samples in order to "test into compliance". This guide is needed to help laboratories know when data warrants a sample rerun and how the laboratory can justify to decision to rerun the sample. Additionally, the guide will help laboratories understand the processes that need to be implemented in order to properly document and track any samples that are rerun or retested. Finally, this document will provide regulators with a guide that they can suggest laboratories use, if retesting samples is a part of the cannabis/hemp program in that jurisdiction.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 04-06-2023
Technical Contact: Jini Glaros
Item: 000