Work Item
ASTM WK85761

New Test Method for Determination of Total Hydrocarbons in Compressed Air or Nitrogen

1. Scope

This new test method will be developed specifically for testing for low levels of total hydrocarbons in compressed air or nitrogen systems or bottles. This method will cover sampling techniques and analytical methods for accurate measurements to ensure the quality of the source gas (air or nitrogen) can meet certain performance specifications for compressed gas.


Nitrogen, compressed air, total hydrocarbons


There is currently no test method specifically for compressed air or nitrogen, even though this is a common requirement for uses and makers of compressed air and nitrogen.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: D22.13

Committee: D22

Staff Manager: Ashley Wiand

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 03-27-2023

Technical Contact: David Conley

Item: 000

